I have been having on going issues wtih my custom built PC But


Sep 16, 2014
I have been having on going issues wtih my custom built PC But to do with my GPU because games crash and my pc freezes and makes a buzzing sound.. so I RMA'd my car and it still didn't fix the problem.

Now I was told it could be my motherboard or PSu and i was going to rma my PSU and see if it was that

But how can I find out which one is it? my mobo or psu? what is it more likely to be?
RMA-ing everything is not a solution. You should go to a local PC service and ask them to check your system. You can only find out which one it is if you have spare parts and replace every piece of your system. And then it could also be software related (bad drivers).
RMA-ing everything is not a solution. You should go to a local PC service and ask them to check your system. You can only find out which one it is if you have spare parts and replace every piece of your system. And then it could also be software related (bad drivers).