alexoiu is exactly correct. When you get a way (new cable?) to connect your monitor to the GPU output, that problem should be solved. Just be aware that, on the Monitor, you may have to use its controls to tell it what input connector its signal is coming in on.
The message you did get when connected to the mobo VGA output (with no GPU card installed) is what you should expect. With a brand new set of hardware there is NOTHING to boot the system from. If you will be getting the new GPU-to-Monitor connection real soon, wait until you have that. But if you're in a hurry, you can proceed now with Windows Installation, and change the display system later.
With a brand new empty system, normally you would insert your Windows Install device into the proper place. This MIGHT be an optical (DVD) disk, or it might be a USB memory stick that has Windows Install on it. You MIGHT have to go into BIOS Setup to tell it what place to look for the Install device. Whatever, you let the machine boot from the Install device, then follow instructions to install Windows.
Important HINT!
Windows has a particular "trick" that can cause problems later for some people, and there's a way to avoid that IF you wish. Let me explain.
The normal thing done during a Windows Install is that it searches your machine for all drives available, then lets you specify which one you want to load Windows onto. I am assuming you want your SSD to be the boot drive. After you tell the Install process that, it places on the OTHER drive some semi-hidden copies of important system files and the Boot Manager, then proceeds to put all the normal Windows files on your designated unit (your SSD, I'm presuming). This sets up your system to boot and run from the proper drive, always called C: when it's done. The plan is this: at some time in the future one or more of those important system files on the C: drive might become corrupted, preventing booting. IF that ever happens, the boot process will then go the the backup copies on the OTHER drive and copy them back to the C: drive, then complete the boot. This is an automatic self-fix for possible corruption of system files - nice plan, eh? BUT the "problem" some people have discovered is that the boot process will ALWAYS check for those files on the second drive and, if they are not there, it will NOT boot! So, if that second drive fails OR if you decide to remove or replace it, your system can't boot any more!
There is a way to prevent this problem, but you should understand the trade-off. The system as designed places backups of important files in a safe location on a DIFFERENT drive from the boot device, which is ideal. The work-around below partially defeats that. It places the backups on the SAME drive as the OS (on the C: drive), rather than on a separate second drive. That makes it more vulnerable to failures on the boot drive, but it removes the reliance on having the second drive working.
So, IF you decide to do this, here's the simple process. When you first install Windows, make sure that ONLY the boot device (on your case, the SSD I am presuming) and the Install device (an optical drive or a USB stick) are in your system. In other words, make sure your HDD is NOT connected. Do the Install process normally. When the system does this it will find there really is only one place to put those backup files - on the C: drive you will boot from - and put them there. When you are completely finished the Install you quit and remove the Install device (CD or USB stick) and reboot to be sure your machine can boot and run cleanly that way. THEN you shut down and connect your other drives (in your case, only the one HDD) and boot up again.
If you do it this way, there will be one additional step to do. That HDD you just connected is completely empty and useless for Windows, but Windows has the tool you need to get the drive ready to use. Go through Control Panel ... Administrative Tools ... Computer Management ... Storage to find Disk Management. On the right there are two panes, and the LOWER one shows you all the hardware drive units installed, including ones that Windows does not yet understand and cannot use. Find your 1TB WD drive there. RIGHT-click on it and from the mini-menu choose to Create a New Simple Volume. Check the default settings for this - most will be correct. Two items require attention. One is that you do NOT need this disk to be bootable, since your OS already is installed on another drive. The other is that you can choose whether to use the older MBR Partition system or the newer GPT system. See my note below. When you have options set as you prefer, let it complete the job - it may take a long time, so be patient. When it's done, back out of these screens and reboot. Now you will find that HDD in Windows Explorer ready to use.
About Partition systems. The older MBR system is just fine for use with any HDD under 2 TB, but cannot handle any drive larger that that, so you can do it that way. The newer GPT system can handle any drive of any size currently available, and even MUCH bigger for the future, so you CAN use that instead if you wish.