I have formatted my ps3 hard drive and need to reinstall os


Mar 8, 2012
i have regretably turned my ps3 off at the back many times and it told me the file system was corrupt and it needed to restore after the restore had finished it turned back on and gave me the same restore message i have since formatted it on my pc and put it back in and it says i need to connect storage media that contains update dataof version 3.72 or later i have done so and followed the appropriate file storage order and plugged my flashdrive in and it says the update data isnt even there. what do i do oh kind lords of wisdom?
First off, the ps3 uses a proprietary format. Formatting in your pc is a waste of time. Use the link provided to download the newest firmware to your computer, then copy it to a USB drive that has been formatted to fat32.

Make sure to create the folder structure and fold names exactly as described in these instructions. The folder names are case sensitive, so use all upper case.

I would take the flashdrive and go to the Sony site and see if the correct versin of the file you are looking for is on the flashdrive and even reload the software to make sure it is on there. Then try it back in the ps3 to see if it will load. If not then try loading it from the Pc.