i have msi 7641


Nov 21, 2015
i want to buy a graphic card that will fit this motherboard i bought gtx960 evga pc2.0 and the pin fits but the size of the graphic card dont fit my case.
iBuyPower use some custom cases, so shy of finding a pic on Google it'll be difficult.

Please post your full, original specs (and any components you've replaced) - the components might help us narrow down which model you have and, as a result, which case you have.

its an ibuypower case thats all i know. The thing is i thought it will fit i even have the same pci and everything its just the size of the graphic card i think

is there away i can find out whats my case ? thanx
iBuyPower use some custom cases, so shy of finding a pic on Google it'll be difficult.

Please post your full, original specs (and any components you've replaced) - the components might help us narrow down which model you have and, as a result, which case you have.
No offence intended here, but you might want to reconsider getting inside a computer if you're not sure how to note your full specs.

You can download & run CPU-z and provide the output for CPU, mainboard, and RAM.......might give us a better idea.

Other than that (as there's no guarantee we'll be able to find it even then) you could measure the space available for a GPU.....and find one to fit.
Ok this what i got from it AMD FX(tm) 4350 Quad-core Processor 4.20Ghz if that means anything that you want lol. I got CPU-z but there is a lot of information and im not sure which one of them you want me to tell you