I have my first build, but I get no video output from it.


Nov 16, 2013
I have made my first build and when I booted it up I never had any video output. I asked a couple of friends and even you guys why this happened. All answers were the same, it must be the video card. Skip ahead to now when I just get my new one after returning the old one, same dilema. Everytime I plug in my monitor to my computer, it says 'going into sleep mode' like it doesn't recognize that there is something plug into it. I've tried using onboard video, which both my CPU and Motherboard support and still nothing. It's not fried, as everything that is connected to it sill run (ex. CPU cooler still spins). Is there some trick I can use, or do I have to get a whole new motherboard? I REALLY appreciate the help, thanks!


I have tried other monitors with no luck. I also tried VGA and DVI, nothing.

There are a couple of things there that might be the problem. i'll test them now and see!