I have the spectre vulnerbilty how can i fix it?


Aug 24, 2013
I am hoping this is the right section to ask about it.
I checked inspectre and it showed me that my pc is still vulnerable.
I have Lenonvo 100-15ibd 80qq and they did not release any bios update or at least i could not find the microcode on their site.
What can i do to fix this issue? or should i just ignore it and not to worry although i would like to block this vulnerbilty.

Forgot to mention windows 10 with all updates.
Lenovo should have the BIOS patch, but to be frank a lot of people aren't bothering - since the original vulnerability 4 more Spectre vulnerabilities have been identified, and consider the performance drop some are seeing and the limited odds of being hit - a lot of folks aren't doing anything

we made it this long without a patch.....
I see...
I do have nod32 antivirus so i am not that worried and i am not downloading anything suspicious.
On Lenovo website i did not see any hardware related update regarding this problem, maybe i would contact them.