[SOLVED] I have top of the line specs and I dont get the FPS I want.

Jan 28, 2019
I have spent a disgusting amount of money on my computer and I still don't come close to good performance. So many benchmarks on Youtube are using the same specs as mine and get way better frames in games such as "Player Unknown's Battlegrounds" or "Rainbow Six Siege", i'm not even running 1440p or 4k gaming, I'm on a 1080p Gysnc monitor. I installed my CPU myself so idk if that would cause any issues lol, maybe I didn't do something right during the install process. Anything that could help or any suggestions to improve my performance would be amazing, thanks.
My specs:
i7 8700k 4.20Ghz
GTX 1080 TI
32 Gigs ram DDR4
If we take PUBG and Rainbow six as our games that we are benching, I will logon tonight and record one minute video on each.

My specs are:

I7-5820k OC 4.2
16GB Ram

I will display my video settings for each one, for pubg I don’t think I run everything on high because from memory the game is not that well optimised and when playing competitive I like to have more FPS. ill do a video of my current settings for each game and FPS and then ultra settings for each game and upload that as well. You can then compare. It would be good if you could try and record your performance so we can actually see what FPS you are getting etc. Btw my resolution will be 1080, I don’t have a 1440 or 4K monitor.
Hey man, hope I can help or maybe help clarifying your problem more.

Are you getting low FPS counters or high FPS while still looking like trash?
Have you got all software installed?
What is the refresh rate set to in the NVIDIA Control Panel, is G-Sync set up properly?
What are your temperatures? (Case, CPU, GPU)
Are you sure all your hardware is properly installed?

As J_E_D above said, using the proper hardware to make G-Sync run with the right settings? And I forgot to even ask about your BIOS version.... Also, I'm assuming your BIOS settings themselves are okay, since you're mentioning the 4.2 clock on your CPU. Tried resetting your BIOS?

I'm not sure how I would check if my Bios is up to date, I have wiped my computer a few times (just for personal reasons) and nothing changed. The average FPS for the games I play is around 70 fps and below, I am using G-Sync 144hz and I am using a display cable.
What mobo, cooler, and psu (these matter)?

You check the bios when it boots - will list the version number. Then compare that to the newest on the motherboard makers website.

Also, what is the speed of your ram and did you enable XMP in the bios?

Need to install MSI Afterburner and set up the on screen display for temperature and % usage. Watch how much CPU and GPU are used during the games.

Edit: the 1080ti with 8700k should be crushing those games.

Honestly, it varies haha, some games it just looks both like trash and performs like trash and other's I get high FPS with bad quality (even on highest settings) and finally some games give me good looking graphics with awful fps. I think I have all my software installed, idk what I really would be missing. The refresh rate is set to 144hz and I just hit the G-Sync option so I am not sure if there is anything else I have to do. Temps are pretty good for gaming so thats not a issue.

The motherboard I am using is the "ROG Z370-F Gaming" motherboard, "Corsair H100i" cooling and for the PSU i'm using a "Thermaltake 1200W".

This is my MSI stats when i'm running a game.

Run 3D Mark Fire Strike and post the result link.

That's why I am here in the first place haha. The thing that sucks is would that really increase the performance that much??

Numbers would be extremely helpful. The stuttering is a problem, but low FPS, we only have your subjective impression of your FPS measured against mystery Youtube videos.
Doesn’t that score suggest everything is running well?

I’m having an issue on a separate thread on my setup for CSGO. In doing this I am recording some videos of the FPS drops that I’m experiencing. Can you record your performance maybe with some games and maybe run afterburner at the same time so we can see, temperatures, FPS etc? Also do you notice any difference without gsync turned off?

Idk man, if its good then shouldn't that mean my games should preform?? I swear I see benchmarks on youtube achieving 200 fps on PUBG while I can barely go above 70 fps.


Check the screen resolution etc in game.

Resolution is normal, do you play the game? If so how many frames do you get on average? Ironically I had a 1440p monitor and I achieved higher frame rates so Idk what the hell is going on, and it is the most frustrating thing.