I have worse performance after undervolting my CPU

mohamed ali_1

Feb 11, 2017
Hey, I tried undervolting it because ive seen many videos and articles that said undervolting gets me better performance and it reduces heat, but since then im having problems,
In fortnite, Fps dropped from 80 in medium-high to 30 in very low and the game is always freezing, i tried changing everythink to how it was but i still have the problem, can anyone help me please.
I have a i5 6200U 2.30GHZ (4CPUs), i reduced the Core Voltage Offset by 0.050V using Intel(R) Extreme Tuning Utility.
Even when i changed it back to normal i still have the problem, please help me
CPU: i5 6200U 2.30GHZ (4CPUs)
Motherboard: Acer Ironman_SK V1.04
CPU Voltage: I changed it back to normal (0.000V),
RAM: 8GB 2133MHz
OS: Windows 10 Professional

How, im not that good with these thinks, treat me like a beginner

OK, sorry. Remove the battery from the motherboard and put it back in after 10 seconds.
Also, go to BIOS (where you undervolted from) and press RESET.

undervoltage and overclock are sort of the same, for higher clock speed you need higher voltage to maintain signal clarity, too low, processor will produce lots of error in the calculation. but too much voltage will cause over heating and potential destruction of device. and there are also a number internal protection built in to prevent that, I guess the undervolt triggered one of them. You need to properly reset your bios to default and try again.
First you want to in do your change from tuning utility. Then turn off your pc. Then, If you still have the manual for you motherboard, refer to the bios reset / uefi reset section. If you don’t , disconnect pc from power, press power button a few times, carefully take out the button battery from the motherboard wait for 10 seconds and put it back. Restart pc, and see if the issue is gone or not.

I have an acer laptop and my battery is built-in, i cant get it out + i undervolted using Intel XTU

I have an acer laptop and my battery is built-in, i cant get it out + i undervolted using Intel XTU