Question I installed one 8gb ram and one 4gb ram in my laptop of same Herz and everything but after that my laptop restart in every few hours

Jul 13, 2019
I installed one 8gb ram and one 4gb ram in my laptop of same Herz and everything but after that my laptop restart in every few hours help
Mixed RAM modules are a 50/50 bet. RAM modules are only guaranteed in the form sold (from the same pack).

This is regardless as to whether they are the exact same make / model / speed.

Best practice is to buy a whole new pack of RAM together if you want to upgrade your RAM.
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Reactions: Nikozy
"Reboots after one hour," doesn't sound like a RAM problem but it could be, I guess. Boot off of a Memtest86 USB to test the RAM. If it makes it through one complete pass without any errors I doubt it's the RAM.
Assuming Windows, what does eventvwr say?
No. you like to do for complete passes. If you get zero errors after four complete passes and your memory is OK. Mixing memory like this causes all kinds of problems