i just bought 7600k


Feb 9, 2016
hi guys,i am newbie of overclocking,currently my corsair AIO h100i v2 send to RMA.
in the mean time wanna do some research on overclocking benefit

i watch some youtube video,7600k easily reach 5.0ghz,does this clockspeed effect during gaming?and does it worth to do it?
ur peripherals too r gaming certified. happy abt that. but then again, like i said, if there is no point in using those extra fps in the games u play, heavy oc'ing is just a big hole in ur electricity bill.
and yes the 7600k can easily reach the performance levels of 4790k n even surpass them in gpu oriented games. only on cpu intensive games like gta v, witcher 3 u would be compelled to oc high to maintain the fps @ 80+ if u have a good gpu.

so there's ur answer : cpu intensive games, oc will help. other cases, dont bother.
achieving 5.0 ghz stable overclock requires a powerful oc setup with liquid cooling or beefy air cooling with thermal paste and over volted cpu vcore. they do it mainly to boast abt the benchmark scores with the same setup.
unless u have a 144hz monitor and u r trying to push the fps limits in taxing aaa games, i wouldnt recommend such drastic oc'ing. if u r ok with the performance u get, be happy with safe oc n ejoy ur electricity bills 😉

i currently using AOC Agon 144hz monitor,i just curios what is the actual advantage of overlocking,is it really matter and worth it?
thats a gaming monitor. if u r interested in seeing a few more fps in ur games, oc can help. if u r happy with the fps u r getting, dont bother. but i dont see how that few more fps helps u in gaming unless u r into pro games like CS GO or overwatch or dota and also have the proper gaming keybord n mouse to make use of that extra accuracy.

currently i using blackwidow and steel series kana v3,previously i using i7 4790 non-k,and than my motherboard spoilt..with my experience i only use pc for gaming,so i7 for me is just too much and during gaming not much differences
ur peripherals too r gaming certified. happy abt that. but then again, like i said, if there is no point in using those extra fps in the games u play, heavy oc'ing is just a big hole in ur electricity bill.
and yes the 7600k can easily reach the performance levels of 4790k n even surpass them in gpu oriented games. only on cpu intensive games like gta v, witcher 3 u would be compelled to oc high to maintain the fps @ 80+ if u have a good gpu.

so there's ur answer : cpu intensive games, oc will help. other cases, dont bother.