Could be that the airflow is restricted, and hence the high temperatures...because if the cooler is not installed properly the temps would probably be even higher than 90C. Try to put the PC in a place where it gets sufficient breathing room, and if temps improve, then that's the problem. If not, then something else is.I guess they did all this in the store where I bought it. My pc is in the desk, could that be a problem? It doesn't have much space beside him.
Could be that the airflow is restricted, and hence the high temperatures...because if the cooler is not installed properly the temps would probably be even higher than 90C. Try to put the PC in a place where it gets sufficient breathing room, and if temps improve, then that's the problem. If not, then something else is.I guess they did all this in the store where I bought it. My pc is in the desk, could that be a problem? It doesn't have much space beside him.
My pc is in the desk, could that be a problem? It doesn't have much space beside him.
Don't do that, if possible add two fans at the front and add a cpu air cooler like, antec a400, cooler master hyper 212, or gammaxx 400 that will do , by the way how many fans are there in your cabinet?Can I put it on styrofoam that pc came in?
Yes, that's fine. is this one going to do the work?