I just bought my new mic and when i plug it in it picks up my voice but the sound still comes out of the speaker

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Feb 18, 2017
I just bought my new mic and when i plug it in it picks up my voice but the sound still comes out of the speaker and i dont know why. its really annoying. The mic is a RIG 400HX CAMO, with a 3.5 mm connector. I got the mic to work but just the audio wont come out of the headphone part. can someone please help
If your external speakers/headphones aren't working, try the following...

1. Go to "Control Panel".
2. Click on "Sound".
3. Make sure you are on the "Playback" tab.
4. Click on the device you are trying to fix.
5. Now click the "Configure" button and follow the prompts. (Be sure you also click the "Test" button.)
6. Once that is complete, click the "Properties" button.
7. When you are done with your changes, in "Properties", click "Apply" and then "OK".
8. Then click "OK", again, on the main "Sound window".
If your external speakers/headphones aren't working, try the following...

1. Go to "Control Panel".
2. Click on "Sound".
3. Make sure you are on the "Playback" tab.
4. Click on the device you are trying to fix.
5. Now click the "Configure" button and follow the prompts. (Be sure you also click the "Test" button.)
6. Once that is complete, click the "Properties" button.
7. When you are done with your changes, in "Properties", click "Apply" and then "OK".
8. Then click "OK", again, on the main "Sound window".
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