I just got a new GPU (Gigabyte GTX 960 4GB) and every couple of minutes the fans will rev up for no reason...


Apr 6, 2014
...even when the PC is completely idle, and it's driving me insane! What could be causing it? I've also downloaded MSI Afterburner and created custom fan curve which has seemingly done nothing. And the weird thing is, when the fans suddenly rev, the fan speed % doesn't change at all, but the RPM shoots up. Also the idle temp is at a constant 21 C. Any advice would be much appreciated!

Screenshot from Afterburner showing the random RPM activity along with 2 large spikes.


Specs are:

Windows 8.1 64bit
i7 4770
GTX 960 4GB
1TB 5400 RPM HDD
Corsair 430w PSU
If anybody wants to use my modded bio's based on gigabyte f2 beta bio's. You can download the bio's from here plus they are loads better :) https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B9tN4B8McJ4IeXBPd3BwWUZtajQ/view?usp=sharing

Instructions for Flashing

1. Extract the folder to the root of your C drive.

2. Right click "Computer" and to go Manage. Computer Manager opens.

3. Click Device Manager

4. Expand Display Adapters

5. Right click your GTX960 and Disable it(all of them if you have more than one).

6. Start -> run -> cmd (must be administrative, or you must have UAC disabled)

7. Type or copy and paste without the () then hit enter

(cd C:\nvflash)

8. Type or copy and paste without the () then hit enter

(nvflash -6 Silent60.rom)


sorry, I didnt read that thoroughly enough, I think it might just be an msi afterburner issue..

I would load the default fan curve and see if does the same thing, If it does, that is wierd,

but if it corrects, i would try another overclocking program and see if it works...

if all else fails I would just reinstall the drivers to see if that fixes the issue.

Hope this helps! :)
Well it was doing it before I even install Afterburner, I only installed it to see if it would fix it but it actually made no difference. Even if I set the fan speed to a constant of 25% it still does it. I'm using NVidia Geforce experience for drivers, so I think they're up to date. Is there a better way of installing drivers or is this the best way? I will try reinstalling it though, thanks.
Reinstalling now, but even without the drivers installed it's still doing it so I'm not sure this is going to help 🙁

EDIT: All reinstalled now, and still doing it. Afterburner does nothing 🙁

the only thing I could think of is, that it may be a faulty psu. those corsair cx series

are bad psu's, and it might be applying too much power to the gpu or having spikes

of too much power running through it. I would buy another psu, see if it solves the problem,

and it if doesent solve the problem, all you have to do is return it and get your money back.
But the I had no issues with the PSU before, and as far as I can tell from reading reviews online most reviewers seem to think they're pretty good budget PSUs... What would you recommend as an alternative based on my specs?
So I've got the same card


In a brand new skylake setup and am having the same problem. Fan revs up to 8000rpm for a second every 30 seconds or so at ideal but under-load the fan doesn't act abnormally and the fan stops at a constant rpm. It's some what annoying and bugging me a little bit. i highly doubt it's down to power shortage or whatever as ive got a 550w and runs perfectly under-load. maybe a driver issue would be my next guess but two i have tried havent had a affect maybe it's down to windows 8.1 as in bios and during boot i just get the normal fan blast and then back to silent.
Found a fix :) If you turn off auto fan control in afterburner and set it to anything above 41% the fan doesn't rev up. Now to find a speed that's silent enough for everyday use and wont overheat the gpu during long gaming sessions. I'll post back with anymore info but i'm sure anywhere above 45% should be golden.
Oh my god. You beautiful BEAUTIFUL man (or woman)! I know it's not exactly a solution a such, but as mentioned in the OP, this was driving me fucking nuts!! I guess we could create a custom fan curve with the baseline at 42% and rising from there when the temp gets above 50, since when under load the fan actually does follow the curve I have set up.

What PSU do you have out of interest?
I've got a corsair vs550 maybe a problem with corsair psu's but i highly doubt it's.
I've made a fan curve based on the default one in OC Guru 2. Maybe worth giving this a go for a few days while using your pc. It seems pretty solid based on the fan noise given off whilst testing the different rpm's. I had to start the curve at 50% as still got a rev up at 41% maybe worth using the system for normal stuff at somewhere between 42 and 50% to see if we can fine tune it but it's pretty much silent at 50% tbh
Did you get yours from Scan too? Maybe worth contacting them and seeing if they'll replace them? Even though this works, we shouldn't have to run the fans constantly at over 41%!
It's certainly starting to look that way atm let's hope that's the case anyway as I really like this card especially for the money. I'll ring them tomorrow see what they say about it. They are normally first class for service so no doubt we will both have a answer by this time tomorrow.
Heard back from Scan now, they asked me to try it in a different PC before they process an RMA, but I don't have the facility to do that so hopefully they'll just swap it for me.
Have you tried using the other 6 pin plug into the gpu maybe a faulty or weak power flow. I've just added two more fans in the top of my case to constantly blow cold air at the card so it never has to take the fans beyond 50%. Scan said to me that they will rma my card but that means going without for a while whilst they check it over. It's under warranty so I'll wait for it to die if it ever does and they said it won't do any harm being at 45% instead of 23% The fan won't give up any quicker surely it will last longer not having to spin up or down all the time. I'm going to try mine with the other 6 pin tonight maybe it will make a difference as nobody else has come forward with the same issue
Not got a solution to this apart from whats already been posted - I have the exact same issue, also bought from Scan. Starting to think they may have a faulty batch.

I have opened a support ticket with gigabyte and also emailed scan.

Anyone else heard back from Scan or found a solution?