IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL, MEMORY_MANAGEMENT, and many more and i have reformated PC, Did memory diagnostic, Deleted all AMD drivers completely and reinstalled tham, i swapped the RAM and put them in the other 2 slots, i tried everything i could think of. All of my Drivers are updated and trust me i am %100 sure. My CPU, GPU, RAM, and everything stays 27-40 Degrees at all times so they are not under full load. The only time i have any BSOD is when i am on Facebook, YouTube, or any other related sites and i have never had it happen not even when i play highly modded games at %100 load on GPU and CPU it runs fine. I am starting to wish i stayed with Console so it would be 1,000,000 times better but i love PC. How can i fix this guys? From what i read its my memory if so ima smash them in two and buy new ones even htough i inly had them 5 months if not less.