I keep getting a new BSOD every week no matter what i seem to do helps.


Jul 3, 2014
IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL, MEMORY_MANAGEMENT, and many more and i have reformated PC, Did memory diagnostic, Deleted all AMD drivers completely and reinstalled tham, i swapped the RAM and put them in the other 2 slots, i tried everything i could think of. All of my Drivers are updated and trust me i am %100 sure. My CPU, GPU, RAM, and everything stays 27-40 Degrees at all times so they are not under full load. The only time i have any BSOD is when i am on Facebook, YouTube, or any other related sites and i have never had it happen not even when i play highly modded games at %100 load on GPU and CPU it runs fine. I am starting to wish i stayed with Console so it would be 1,000,000 times better but i love PC. How can i fix this guys? From what i read its my memory if so ima smash them in two and buy new ones even htough i inly had them 5 months if not less.

I did the the exact day i built my PC. And already used CPU-Z also so it does not help my timing is also correct. :/

You could try loosing the RAM timings, if possible. If you are at 9-9-9-27, try 11-11-11-31. This would tell you if maybe your sticks/IMC are bad.

Also, and this may be a dumb suggestion, but maybe its the browser you are running. Since you said it was only on web based applications. Try a 64-bit version of Firefox/Chrome.

But i only use 64-bit chrome and Firefox 🙁

Then I would definitely try loosing the timings and see if that helps. If your BSOD's go away, you know its something with the memory, in which case G. Skill should RMA the sticks for you for free. Memory usually comes with lifetime warranties guaranteeing they will work to spec.

But the thing is i get BSOD relating to my CPU, Fans, Motherboard, Windows, RAM, GPU, and over 20 other completely different related things. It is something completely 100% different every week.

If that;s the case I would start at the source, your power input. Do you really have a 550w power supply with a r9 290? If so, it could be aging and causing voltage drops across your mobo. That would cause issues like you are stating.