I keep losing my internet connection after installing a new CPU,Motherboard & Ram


Jan 12, 2016
I keep losing internet connection after i installed new CPU,Motherboard & Ram, Restarting the router fixes the issue but comes back again after 3 or 4 hours, I am using a Ethernet connection to desktop PC. I have also notice that once i lose internet connection, WIFI for all other devices also goes down,

Note: I have never lost internet connection ever, Unless due to power failure, but after installing new CPU,Motherboard & Ram its always happening! pls advise

Yeah, that's my guess as well. I know you say it happened right after you replaced the other things, but sometimes weird timing like that happens.
When you say "... I have also notice that once i lose internet connection, WIFI for all other devices also goes down ..."
do you mean the wifi devices lose wifi signal, or that they can't connect to the internet? There is a difference, and it could be an issue with your broadband device (cable modem, etc.), or even an issue within your ISP's network. Some routers act wonky when they lose internet connectivity.
OK its fixed it wasn't the router it was the motherboard because after changing it to a different brand with the same chip set the problem hasn't come back so thank you all trying to help