I know this is a bottleneck but by how much?

Sep 15, 2017
Currently right now my setup is an fx 6300 with a gtx 950, I am upgrading very soon, my GTX 950 already is maxed out at 99% with the fx 6300 so I know there is an obvious bottleneck here, but if I were to upgrade my processor will I get more preformance out of the GTX 950?

If I were to upgrade my GPU from a GTX 950 to a GTX 1080, (I know there will still be a bottleneck) will I still see a boost in preformance from the 950?

If there is not a boost in preformance from the 950 to the 1080 because of the bottleneck then ill just upgrade my CPU and get the preformance boost out of that because I won't have a bottleneck anymore with the 950

Thank you
That depends entirely on the game. In most games that aren't really CPU heavy or just run terribly on FX cpu's, you will certainly see a performance gain going from a 950 to a 1080.

So if either way I will be getting a preformance boost if I upgrade my GPU? Ill probably just do that first

Yeah, for the most part, but like I said it will depend on the game. You certainly won't be able to fully utilize a 1080 in really anything with a FX 6300. If you plan to upgrade both the GPU and CPU but at different times, then I would probably upgrade the GPU first.

i think you're misunderstand what a CPU/GPU bottleneck is. If your 950 is at 99%-100% then your CPU is driving it to the max. Your CPU is not bottlenecking the 950.

It will bottleneck the 1080. But as others pointed out to what extent, depends on a number of variables.
Upgrading the CPU will not really get more out of the 950.


Yea I've only recently learned what a bottleneck is so I wouldn't be surprised if I had gotten something wrong, I assumed my gpu running at 99% meant that I would need to get a new CPU because the graphics card cant push anymore with that currant CPU, which I would have the same problem with the 1080,

If you could it would be useful if you explained what a GPU bottleneck and a CPU bottlneck is