I`m really scared of these temps


Dec 6, 2011
I dont know my temps idle use to be a lot lower.

I built my PC exactly 2 years ago and I haven't really reapplied thermal paste or anything.

This is my heatsink: http://www.newegg.ca/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16835103099
Eh...not that scary. It's a little high for idle temps but I wouldn't lose your cool over it. (pun intended)

Try to reapply thermal paste as suggested, maybe invest in another fan or two? Clean out any dust.
@Gam3r01 um how do you exactly reapply the thermal paste? do you need to like detach the heatsink and clean the surface of the CPU with alcohol and then reapply new thermal paste? I'm also thinking of getting a new heat sinke and will probably just do it then.

That heatsink isn't bad..what are you going to replace it with? If you're not doing heavy overclocking..or any overclocking..that's pretty much a standard cooler to get.

But yes that's all you would go is to clean the heatsink and cpu with rubbing alcohol and use something to wipe it off that doesn't have lint or anything (q-tips work great) and reapplying the new thermal paste...pea size drop and blamo....done.

this is how thermal compound spreads..just fyi


seems kind of overkill unless you're doing some serious overclocking...but hey its your money.
Im probably not gonna get that one maybe like the H80 will I see like extreme cooling improvements compare to the coolermaster i have right now? I couldn't overclock with my current one because the temps were so high with it.
um ok im just very uncertain with removing the thermal paste like I really dont want to fuck up my cpu, is there a specific alcohol that I must purchase for cleaning the thermal paste?
there's no walgreens in canada ;_; also are coffee filters alright for removing the thermal paste? Like obviously adding the isopropyl alcohol on to the filter and cleaning the cpu