Hello everyone. I'm thirteen and love gaming more than any other form of entertainment. The sad part is that I have a really bad computer that lags on bio shock Infinite. I can't possibly raise the money to get it, and not only that, everyone in my neighbor hood has professional lawn care and kids to old to babysit. I had a chance to get a new graphics card (Nvidia Gtx 980) when I got all As on my grades but it was over $600 dollars because of my small case, low power supply, and small fan. But when school starts next year I will have another chance to get a new graphics card. My real questions are these: What is a small graphics card that will fit my case? How can I possibly still get enough money to get this good graphics card without getting all As? My computer is an Acer - Aspire T Desktop - Intel Core i5 - 8GB Memory - 2TB Hard Drive - Black