I need a decently priced cpu upgrade


Dec 13, 2014
Ok so I have an am3+ mobo with and amd fx 8350 and 16gb ddr3 vengeance ram at 1600mhz and from what I know there's no higher CPU upgrade from here. What is a decent use upgrade cpu without breaking my bank? I understand I'll need a new mobo as well. I'd like to keep my current ram to try and save on cost but I also know most cpus will probably need ddr4 ram. Please fell free to post variations/prices/and estimated performance gain. THANK YOU!!!
While there was some "support" for ddr3 memory with skylake (6th gen intel), it only supported select low voltage (1.35 v i believe) chips and even then it was not always stable/reliable.

Thus you are going to be looking at CPU + Mobo + RAM.
You can cobble together a lower end system for $300 with 8gb of ram but nothing that is going to be superior to your current setup (even more so when a basic kit of 16gb ddr4 will run $170-180).

You can watch for a used 6th gen setup but I would say to save up another $100 to have a $400 budget and then you can build something that will be a noticeable upgrade.
@rdg1101 I really would like to stay around 200$ if possible max 300$ multiple solutions greatly appreciated even used options for the CPU preferably not used on the mobo if possible
While there was some "support" for ddr3 memory with skylake (6th gen intel), it only supported select low voltage (1.35 v i believe) chips and even then it was not always stable/reliable.

Thus you are going to be looking at CPU + Mobo + RAM.
You can cobble together a lower end system for $300 with 8gb of ram but nothing that is going to be superior to your current setup (even more so when a basic kit of 16gb ddr4 will run $170-180).

You can watch for a used 6th gen setup but I would say to save up another $100 to have a $400 budget and then you can build something that will be a noticeable upgrade.
I would wait for intel to release the rest of their 8th gen chips and board manufacturers to release the lower end boards.

An i3 8100 will have 4 cores and 8 threads like a 7th gen i7, but for $120-130 price point.
Add in a B350 series board for $60-70 and 16gb of ram for hopefully around $180 (assuming prices dont keep climbing)
Puts you at around $360-380.

I think he mean the intel b-,h- of the 300 series mobo

Typo'ed, meant to type B360.
is it still B360 or did they change to B370? (I know H and Z series are 70 but thought B would be 60).
thats kind of funny. You can get a used 4690k with ram and mobo and cooler for like 200 bucks. I literally just upgraded to the new 8600k and there were a decent amount of used ones. im still trying to sell mine noone really likes used parts but alot of times you can get a good deal.