I need a HIGH Powered cooling pad for my laptop!

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Feb 15, 2016
I've been using my Cooler Master Notepal X Slim for about a month and it broke. It was nice but it wasn't good enough for what i needed though.

Link to cooling pad - http://tinyurl.com/zpgdztu

I was looking for a REALLY HIGH Powered cooling pad for my laptop. Since my cooling pad broke I've been using a Clip fan.. yea...

Link to fan - http://tinyurl.com/je325vb

With my old cooling pad when i was running my computer Idle I would run at 60 Degrees Celsius and 85+ Degrees Celsius when playing games.. Ever Since I've been using this Clip fan I have been running at 35-40 Degrees Celsius and 55-70 Degrees Celsius when playing games. I really like the temapture when i'm using this fan but it's so uncomfortable trying to rest this fan in my lap with my laptop under it.

Are there any high powered cooling pads that run better or the same as this clip fan? Please let me know.
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