I Need a New Motherboard!!! (1155 Socket Type, Full ATX) under $125


Jan 18, 2016
This is my first post, so sorry if I have not gone in depth enough.
I have been looking for a motherboard for quite a while, but there seems to be no good motherboards with:
Socket Type: 1155
Layout: Full ATX
Ram Slots: 4 (1333)
HDMI: 1+
OnBoard USB: 2x(3.0) 2x(2.0)

It needs to be below $125 and other than that, I dont know what else you need but I will actually take any reccommendations. I have looked for a while. Tell me what else you need (if you need anything)

Thank You,



Yea, my case has 2 on the front, so that might be it. But I can agree, the 1155 has a very small amount under 125 :/ I really want to go with Ebay, but I'm scared I'm just going to get a fried board. Thanks for the link! I will take a look :)