I need an advice! Should i buy GTX 1080, Gtx 1070 Ti or wait?


Jan 12, 2015
Hello everybody!
Im from chile and here in my country the GPUs are not out of stock yet, but they are quite more expensive than USA, but with the whole thing of cryptomining now its "cheaper"

for example:
ASUS GTX 1070 Ti (ROG-STRIX-GTX1070TI-A8G-GAMING) 426.816 CLP / 700 USD
ASUS GTX 1080 (ROG STRIX-GTX1080-A8G-GAMING) 465.371 CLP / 764 USD
PNY GTX 1080 (VCGGTX10808PB) (i dont know if this is founders edition) 454.176 CLP / 745 USD

That are my choices, but i dont really know what to do! i think thats too much money, and i dont know if its better to wait or to just buy the gpu right now, any advice?
I have to buy the chase, the PSU, GPU and the monitor so theres a lot of money waiting to be spent.

Advices please!!

Thank you very much and greetings from Chile
Just the best price/performance ratio you can get right now it looks like. GTX1070 are overpriced by comparison. GTX1080 aren't overpriced by comparison, but the gain is small. (Aside from all GPUs being overpriced anyway)

Yes, definitely overclocking for the 1070Ti, they are all released with reference clocks. Whereas you will find factory overclocked 1070 and 1080 and 1080Ti. This is Nvidia trying to do product differentiation and keep a gap between the 1070Ti and 1080. I suppose they really just had a lot of nearly good silicon stacking up and decided to make a product to go directly against Vega56/64, though it wasn't really necessary.

I don't think you will be disappointed with the performance. QHD high refresh is more in the...

That depends on your satisfaction with your current system. If you can wait, well, I'm not sure there is anything in particular to wait for. Mining is still very much a thing, and doesn't look like it is going away any time soon. These coin offerings are starting to get the attention of governments though, so it could be soon legislated out.

Waiting for the next generation of hardware isn't a great option for those not in Europe or the US, as there will typically be later release schedules. And prices will be high around any initial release.

Additionally you have increased manufacturing costs from the rise in price of GDDR, so if trends continue, GPU prices will continue to rise.

1070Ti would be my choice if you want to save a little money. Nearly as much performance as the 1080, and the Strix models are decent.

The PNY is likely a reference PCB, but has a standard blower cooler, not the Nvidia one.
My vote is also for the 1070ti. I too have the ASUS Strix version and could not be happier. I have OC'd my card heavily to perform better than my friends slightly OC'd 1080. Card performs better and is cheaper, I think it's a no brainer!

Even if its just 64 dollars away? well i dont know if that 1080 is that good either
Well, the prices currently are not the best because of cryptocurrency miners! If I was you - I would wait.
If you don't count your money then of course go for the 1080 or add some more cash and get 1080Ti.
The 1080 or 1080Ti will run many future games better than 1070 anyway.

So... If you have money - buy, if you don't - just wait like I do. :)
My opinion - not worth to overpay 300 - 400 more just because of the miners!

Good luck!

1070ti oc'd will outperform 1080 and is considerably cheaper.

How about adding more $100 to get 1080Ti and OC it? :)
Still a better deal
Given equal cards, as in this case (both Strix), the 1080 will always be faster. One more SM unit and GDDR5X instead of GDDR5. So a 5% overclock on the GPU will make up the SM unit difference, but you need a 20% increase in memory speed, not always possible. All out the window if you overclock the 1080.

But that difference is so small in terms of game performance that it doesn't make a whole lot of sense to buy the 1080, particularly if spend is the concern.

I'm a sucker for the fully enabled GPUs, and kind of have myself stuck on the xx80 release cycle. So I've had mine since release date. The 1070Ti is essentially the same product for $50 MSRP less. Miners like them since memory speed isn't important for mining, so they basically get a 1080 for a little less.

Because in my country the EVGA GTX 1080 Ti (11G-P4-6591-KR) costs 605.568 / 994 USD.

So is 200 usd expensive, a lot more expensive, so its not a good alternative.

Given equal cards, as in this case (both Strix), the 1080 will always be faster. One more SM unit and GDDR5X instead of GDDR5. So a 5% overclock on the GPU will make up the SM unit difference, but you need a 20% increase in memory speed, not always possible. All out the window if you overclock the 1080.

But that difference is so small in terms of game performance that it doesn't make a whole lot of sense to buy the 1080, particularly if spend is the concern.

I'm a sucker for the fully enabled GPUs, and kind of have myself stuck on the xx80 release cycle. So I've had mine since release date. The 1070Ti is essentially the same product for $50 MSRP less. Miners like them since memory speed isn't important for mining, so they basically get a 1080 for a little less.

So you say that i should get the GTX 1070 Ti, right?
EDIT: And whats the difference between Asus Gtx 1070 Ti A8G vs 8G? in my country 8G seems to be more expensive
that gpu can run 1440p smoothly? or 1080p 144 hz?
Either way, i dont know how to OC a gpu, is it hard?

It will run 1440p smoothly, even some AAA gams at max graphics will run 110+fps on 1440p with the 1070ti. Overclocking is a must with the 1070ti I feel as you can push it past a 1080 overclock sometimes. Overclocking is quite simple, however if you don't plan on overclocking then the 1080 would be a better match for you. 1080 is better than a 1070ti non oc'd by a decent amount, ~10fps difference in 1440p I'd say, again that is only if the 1070ti is not oc'd.
Just the best price/performance ratio you can get right now it looks like. GTX1070 are overpriced by comparison. GTX1080 aren't overpriced by comparison, but the gain is small. (Aside from all GPUs being overpriced anyway)

Yes, definitely overclocking for the 1070Ti, they are all released with reference clocks. Whereas you will find factory overclocked 1070 and 1080 and 1080Ti. This is Nvidia trying to do product differentiation and keep a gap between the 1070Ti and 1080. I suppose they really just had a lot of nearly good silicon stacking up and decided to make a product to go directly against Vega56/64, though it wasn't really necessary.

I don't think you will be disappointed with the performance. QHD high refresh is more in the realm of the 1080Ti, but certainly above 60FPS for most titles (I average 90FPS or so in something like BF1). There are a few that can exceed the card but some of that is CPU limitations and some poor game optimization, or just a matter of turning down one or two settings. Everything else maximum settings.
and how much temperature does the gtx 1070 ti get when its OC'd? does the oc reduce its life span? the problem for me right now is that actually i dont know how to OC, and i dont want to mess my gpu neither
Practically fool proof using MSI Afterburner or EVGA Precision. Plenty of online guides, but in simple terms you are given some sliders. GPU Boost 3.0 in and of itself does most of the work for you.

Core Voltage (Percentage, usually a set limit on how high you can go, basically no unsafe setting)
Power Limit (Percentage, 110-125%, depending on vendor BIOS, I think all 1070Ti might be limited to 115% be default)
Temperature Limit
Core Clock Offset (Set increments)
Memory Clock Offset (Set increments)

1070Ti come with default reference clocks. They are capable of far more. Usually the GPUs will get up around 2050Mhz pretty easily. Memory is more random, but a few hundred Mhz is usually possible. The temperature limit will automatically scale back voltage and clock speed to keep it under that temperature.

When you get the card, run a benchmark and see what the clock speed gets to. When you set the offest, add on enough to get the highest value you saw + the offest to be around 2000Mhz.

As for lifespan, more then likely the card will be obsolete before it breaks. But with these locked down GPUs there is little risk in breaking them.

Some overclocking suggests Pascal likes low temperatures over high voltage, so it is possible to achieve better overclocks without increasing voltage. (Card will stay boosted at maximum clocks for longer essentially)
i've heard that temperature of those cards are pretty high while OC'd, but i dont know if that "high" temperature is "normal".
I've seen people complaining about their cards gets 7x°C, even they reach 80°C, so i dont know if thats good, bad or normal.
Do you have any Clue?

It all depends on the brand you get. Cards like Asus Strix will NOT reach anywhere close to an unsafe temperature. I have my asus strix 1070ti oc'd to 2089MHZ with a +945MHZ memory clock and my card NEVER goes above 65 degrees Celsius and that is with the fans only running at 55% power
Guys!!! Excuse me!! Can you help me with something else?? I didn't know that i7-8700k didn't have stock cooler and I don't know which cooler is good for gaming and for reaching 5.0 mhz.

Can you help me?? There's no noctua or Cryorig brands in my country so I need alternatives !
My choices are:
Cooler master hyper 212 led turbo
Cooler master hyper 212x
Thermaltake 3.0 performer C water cooling
Cooler master seidon 120v https://www.solotodo.com/products/15262-cooler-master-seidon-120v-rl-s12v-24pk-r1/

Please!! In this moment the budget is a concern 🙁

If you're new to overclocking, I'd advise against pushing to 5.0 right from the start. Plus, the particular chip you get MAY not be capable of 5.0ghz(it varies from chip to chip)... 5.0 on a 8700k is gonna put out some serious heat, so either a big air cooler or a high-end water cooler will cut it, neither which will likely be within your budget. Some models listed here: http://www.tomshardware.com/reviews/best-cpu-coolers,4181.html
I'd hold off on overclocking right now, and get a cooler for running the cpu at stock settings until you can afford a more powerful solution.

Edit: if the above are truly your only options, then go with the 212x and forget about the overclock until you can afford a better cooler.
Thanks you very much for everything guys! finally i bought the GTX 1070 Ti Asus rog Strix A8G
So my final build will be like this:

Z370 Asus Rog Gaming E motherboard
Intel i7-8700k Processor with Cooler Master hyper 212x cooler.
GTX 1070 Ti asus rog strix A8G
G.skill 16 gb 8x2 3200 mhz DDR4
Sandisk 3d Ultra 1 TB SSD
Seasonic S12II-620 (620 W) PSU
Aerocool P7-c0 Pro

Thank you very much!!!! Greetings from chile!