S Shivani wadhwa Reputable Feb 23, 2015 1 0 4,510 Feb 23, 2015 #1 i need graphics card for model name-hpg6,2008txmodel no. compatible in 32 bit window 7 ultimate
McDuncun Distinguished May 6, 2013 984 1 19,565 Feb 23, 2015 #2 Dude the 7670m is the best your gonna get there... One does not simply change the GPU of a notebook, they are very specific on what are put in there. That is not bad but if you want more then a new notebook will have to be bought... Upvote 0 Downvote
Dude the 7670m is the best your gonna get there... One does not simply change the GPU of a notebook, they are very specific on what are put in there. That is not bad but if you want more then a new notebook will have to be bought...