I need help about added RAM for gaming PLEASE.


Jan 28, 2014
I for some reason have windows 7 32-bit but 8 gb of RAM. I am a gamer so i really need all 8 gb but cant use it because of 32-bit. My question is will the extra 5 gb of RAM make a difference in gaming? My games use a lot of RAM and lately windows has been really laggy and slow when switching from one task to another. I just need to know that the extra RAM will help.
you can do both.when you get to the install screen and you want to keep your files dont choose the custom install which is a clean install.can you reselect me as best answer as i selected you by mistake.LOL

I understand the amount of RAM that could be accessed, im just wonderinghow much of an actual difference it would make?

Thanks a lot. Also i've been told that when i install it it will wipe the hard drive, and i've also been told vice versa. Do you know which is true?