I need help building my first gaming computer


Here I stuck your build into pc parts picker

I changed your HDD to a seagate barracuda 1tb, its cheaper than the velociraptor...
Here are some great websites to start off:

pcpartspicker.com -- Here you can select every part for a pc and it will tell you the price from several different vendor, deals/rebates on the parts, and whether the configuration works

www.logicalincrements.com -- this website is a guide for building computers. It will tell you the prices of parts, which parts are your best bet (based on your budget) and whichparts are reliable and which ones arent
I guess I messed this up pretty bad. Thanks for your guys help and I'm sorry about this. I have a couple parts picked out but I'm not sure about others. My budget is $2000

CPU- Intel i7 4771
Motherboard-Intel® Desktop Board DH87MC
Case- Cooler Master Haf X w/ SuperSpeed USB 3.0
HDD- 1tb WD Velociraptor
I'm not sure what to choose for the ram, power supply and optical drive

Also how do I tell if these all work together? Do I need anything else? Do I need a sound card? Should I trade anything out? And should I get a small ssd for booting?

Thanks for your help

Here I stuck your build into pc parts picker

I changed your HDD to a seagate barracuda 1tb, its cheaper than the velociraptor and just as good.

I added a 750 W power supply from seasonic. pretty much all of seasonics psus are good.

I did add an SSD boot drive. Trust me its worth the investment as windows will boot to desktop within 15 secs. Also its not really prone to the same problems that HDDs face.

I changed your cpu to an i5 4670k. It gives you the potential to OC later, and it won't bottleneck your gpu. Most games are reliant on your GPU so the CPU doesn't affect gameplay that much. It also saves you a $100

You don't need a sound card as the built in audio in your mobo is good enough nowadays

BTW what games are you planning on playing bc a 780 ti is really overkill. You could get by with a gtx 770
You could swap in a radeon r9 290x and save yourself some money if you really want a gpu of that caliber.
I really want to play battlefield 4 and planetside 2 on max settings and potentially future games like star citizen on high settings. Would the 780ti be the right card for that or not?

Frankly you might be better off getting a amd radeon r9 290x, its several hundred dollars cheaper and offers performance similar to a gtx 780 ti.

IMO I think that a gtx 770 or a gtx 780 will be enough.

The 780 will get you 90-95% the performance of a titan. An radeon r9 290x will give you similar performance to the titan at around the same price of a gtx 780 (roughly $500 but they are in short supply right now).