I need help case switching.


Aug 1, 2014
I am looking on what computer case my motherboard can fit in properly. I would also like help on installing my new motherboard to a new case if that isn't too much to ask.

My computer Specifications are:

Intel Q6600 Quad Core(Overclocked Soon)
Nividia GT 630 - soon to be (GT 650 Ti)
Socket ( LGA 775)

I just don't want to spend all this money on a case and it end being the wrong one. I do not want to go to a computer shop and be overcharged for them helping me. I have worked with computers since I was a kid but never really fully built one.

U56ZN seems to be one of Dell's motherboards. The case model doesn't help since it exists in formfactors from mITX to ATX.

Either way, you'll be fine with any ATX case, like this one:

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

Case: NZXT Source 210 Window ATX Mid Tower Case ($29.99 @ Newegg)
Total: $29.99
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2014-09-05 11:34 EDT-0400

EDIT: As for installing the motherboard, line up the motherboard with the I/O shield, look for which screwholes in the case you'll need by sorta looking through the screwholes in your mobo and lining up the closest holes in your case.
Then screw in the standoff...
If it is a custom built PC then the vast majoridy of boards all conform to the ATX standard (ATX, mATX, mITX).

Now if it is a OEM computer (HP, DELL, etc) then the board might not fit or there might be propreitary parts that make a case swap impossible (like the usb/audio/power button circuit board on some dells).

Thus knowing what the exact model of board will allow us to check for any of these issues.
CPU:Q6600 Quad Core @ 2.4ghz
Ram:4 gig
Case: Dell Optiplex 760 (stock)
Graphics Card: EVGA GT 630 ( Soon to be GTX 650)

U56ZN seems to be one of Dell's motherboards. The case model doesn't help since it exists in formfactors from mITX to ATX.

Either way, you'll be fine with any ATX case, like this one:

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

Case: NZXT Source 210 Window ATX Mid Tower Case ($29.99 @ Newegg)
Total: $29.99
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2014-09-05 11:34 EDT-0400

EDIT: As for installing the motherboard, line up the motherboard with the I/O shield, look for which screwholes in the case you'll need by sorta looking through the screwholes in your mobo and lining up the closest holes in your case.
Then screw in the standoff screws in those holes in the case (under your mobo), align the motherboard on top off the standoffs and screw it in with the short mobo screws.

This video might clarify things: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W4Js2A1qdB8


Thanks ! I just got home. This is exactly what I needed. do you think there is any cooler looking cases that will cover what im looking for or is that more advanced that what I am thinking?
I dont see front pannel headers for power button, usb, or anything.

From the picture, I would say that it wont be possible to just move the board to another case as the board is using its own proprietary connectors and will not be compatible with the standards used by case companies.
Another issue is that Dell likes to make their power supply cables specific legnth, so if the power supply is more then an inch farther away in the new case then your old one, then your power cables to the board might not be long enough.

One other issue I worry about is the special cooler dell uses, if it will mate well to standard case exhaust fan, since dells boards wont accept a standard aftermarket cooler.
I see a normal USB-header at least, but you may very well be right on all the other points.

So, to the OP: Don't expect miracles, it may not work at all! If it doesn't, you can probably return the case, but I'm not sure, so read the return policy from the shop if your going to go ahead with it.
Check out this website: http://www.buildcomputers.net/installing-a-motherboard.html

This is great material on how to build a PC, but also to look specifically at #3, if you have connectors like that then you should be able to put the board into an aftermarket case.

If your power button has a connector going to the motherboard that is more like the link bellow, then no you will not be able to:

Based on the information given. I cant upgrade to a new case. I just checked my power button and I have the exact same one. This is not my primary computer more like a project. So I know for a fact I can get a GT 650, now what about the power supply? Is it possible to fit any news on there on the top right?
Should be able to replace it with a standard power supply.

The minimum power requirements for the 650 is 400watts so you should at least get 450 if not 500 watts power supply to have enough extra wiggle room. I would suggest a Seasonic, XFX, EVGA, Antec, Corsair (RM, TX, HX) or Rosewill Hive/Capstone.
These will be quality PSUs that will serve you for many years with multiple types of circuitry protection.
If you think in the future you may upgrade to a bigger graphics card then it wont hurt anything to buy a bigger power supply then you need right now.

In regards to picking a good power supply, this is a good write up: http://www.tomshardware.com/answers/id-1804779/power-supply-unit-tier-list.html