I need help deciding on what graphics card I should buy.


Jun 30, 2014
These are my specs:
PSU: 750W Antec True Power Classic - 80 Plus Gold
CPU: i7 4790
Motherboard: GA-Z97-HD3

I'm willing to spend around 400-500 AUD on a graphics card, which one should I buy?
Thanks :)

The AMD cards are beautiful for DX11.2 apps. so are nVidia's cards. whatever you prefer really. I would use the AMD card simply because i have it and it works beautifully. :)

Do you think I'd be able to run games like Farcry 4 on high-ish settings with that card?

you must be jesting 😉
OF COURSE! you will be able to max the game out with that card with no issues.
best of luck,
I haven't had any, i have the 290X version of this card and the only heat it has emitted has been when i OC'd it to see what i could do lol.
I have the 280X, 280, and 270X versions of this card and they all perform very well.
Best of luck,

Thank you :)

I've read about similar issues the the r9-280x Windforce edition. The secret to keeping GPUs cool is a case with a VGA side panel fan. Without that, your high-end GPU will run hot regardless!!

I personally would go with a SAPPHIRE TRI-X OC 100361-2SR Radeon R9 290X 4GB. And yes, you will literally max out all settings with your CPU and a r9-290x GPU. I mean all settings, 8x MSAA and x16 AF included! Happy gaming!