I need help fixing my network that connects to the internet.

Wheel in the Sky

Aug 17, 2013
[strike]In the network and sharing center I am connected to "Network 2." I have broadband internet. My computer is plugged into the router with ethernet and it works fine, but I screwed something up when I set up a VPN. I don't need the VPN anymore and deleted it, but my broadband connection is listed under "Dial-up and VPN." I don't remember what I did to cause this, it was confusing getting the VPN working for the first time. Is there a way to get rid of the "dial-up and VPN" and have a simple broadband connection?



I finally figured it out. I would delete this thread, but now I can't figure out how to do that :pt1cable:
hehe you cant delete them only mederators can. just say its fixed then mark it as answered next time. Its always good to say what the fix was so other ppl can fix their issues :)
Okay, to make my broadband connection no longer under "dial-up and VPN," I clicked

Start --> Control Panel --> Network and Internet --> Internet Options.
That will open a window called "Internet Properties." Click the "Connections" tab. Click to highlight the Dial-up and VPN network, then click "Remove." Click "Apply" and close the windows.
Now you have a simple broadband connection that doesn't make you wait every time you turn on the computer.