it's far more cost effective to SKIP a part and add it later, than to buy a CHEAP version of a part and replace it with a better part later. the core things like CPU / mobo / ram / power suppluy are where you should spend money first. then comes hard drive. then maybe ssd and graphics card.
1 - at that price point, i'd look at an i3-4350 / 4360 for only a few dollars more. if you can catch one on sale, even better.
2 - is your graphics card a future plan? or do you already have it? no price shown.
to get back to a previous post, yeah if your build is only the first part of this, at around $400, then skip the SSD. but if your build is starting to be $800, then an SSD isn't a big increase at that point. 128G is all you'd need, 256G is better if you can find one on sale.