I need help. I'm building a computer and don't know if I need an SSD along with my HDD.

it's far more cost effective to SKIP a part and add it later, than to buy a CHEAP version of a part and replace it with a better part later. the core things like CPU / mobo / ram / power suppluy are where you should spend money first. then comes hard drive. then maybe ssd and graphics card.

1 - at that price point, i'd look at an i3-4350 / 4360 for only a few dollars more. if you can catch one on sale, even better.
2 - is your graphics card a future plan? or do you already have it? no price shown.

to get back to a previous post, yeah if your build is only the first part of this, at around $400, then skip the SSD. but if your build is starting to be $800, then an SSD isn't a big increase at that point. 128G is all you'd need, 256G is better if you can find one on sale.

its a 600 dollar pc normally its price just drops randomly through out the year

its ussually 600 but i guess some parts are on sale.

its a plan some times the price dissapears but if you google it itll show up. MSI radeonR9 280 3GB
then i'd say if you're planning on doing the whole build in one shot, get an SSD. if you're doing it in stages (for example, delaying a graphics card until the spring / summer), then it makes budgetary sense to also postpone the SSD. while it's simple to move your OS later on to an SSD, it's not always easy and can be a pain in the butt depending on what program you use to do it.

for an OS, you don't need that much space. $60 or so for a 120G/128G is enough. even though the 256G version are technically faster, the differences are academic and even a plain-jane 128G will be 50x faster than a HDD.

Thanks but im looking to collect all the parts and slowly get them together. I m shooting to have them all by next summer. link to new build with SSD: http://pcpartpicker.com/p/YH6Tqs