I need help! "loading disk configuration information" when trying to set my new SSD up.

Jun 2, 2018
Alright, So I just got a new Kingston 240GB SSD, I go about normally installing it(Plug it into the motherboard, launch the PC, etc.) And then I go to the "disk management" section in my windows settings to set it as a drive, but it won't get past the "loading disk configuration information" stage! I really want to use this SSD but I don't know how I can bypass this step.. Please help.

Thanks in advance.
You could try this..

Go to a CMD prompt, type

List disk (Note which drive # corresponds to your new SSD
Select disk # (Where # is the number you noted before)
list disk (Make sure it has the * to the left of the correct disk)

This will set the drive to an unitialized state.
reboot and try again.

Be very careful not to select the wrong disk. You can inadvertently wipe the wrong disk.

If that does not work do the above steps again, but this time replace "clean" with these steps

Create partition primary
select partition 1
format fs=ntfs quick