I Need Help on What Graphics Card Will Fit My Comp


Apr 4, 2015
The link is a picture of the interior of my computer. I have integrated Intel Graphics. I want to improve the performance of my computer so if you can tell me what graphic cards will fit it I will be greatly appreciative. If you need anymore info reply and I will be happy to respond. I am pretty new with computers so any help will get me closer to my goal. Thank You! http://postimg.org/image/4ljlqi80j/
All right, with a little research a manage to find the specs of your desktop, you have a pci e slot free for use :)

Conclusion: You can put any video card you want. you have a fine pc with a good processor and with the right graphic card you will be able to play recent games like a charm 🙂
Hello, by the look of it, you have a pci slot right there, meaning any video card will work, do you know the model of motherboard that you have ? it may facilitate.

Well, most importantly, for me at least, in order to help you, is to know you mother board model, you can see that by doing the following

Click Start
Open All Programs, Accessories, System Tools and click System Information.

there will be every specification of your pc, it would be great if yyou could ppaste them here, especially the model of your mother board. ( IT MAY BE IN THE NAME OF SYSTEM MODEL OR SOMETHING SIMILAR )


System Manufacturer Acer
System Model Aspire TC-605
System Type x64-based PC
System SKU
Processor Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4770 CPU @ 3.40GHz, 3401 Mhz, 4 Core(s), 8 Logical Processor(s)
BIOS Version/Date American Megatrends Inc. P11-A4, 3/21/2014
SMBIOS Version 2.8
Embedded Controller Version 255.255
BaseBoard Manufacturer Acer
BaseBoard Model Not Available
BaseBoard Name Base Board
Platform Role Desktop
Secure Boot State On
PCR7 Configuration Binding Not Possible
Windows Directory C:\Windows
System Directory C:\Windows\system32
Boot Device \Device\HarddiskVolume2
Hardware Abstraction Layer Version = "6.3.9600.17196"
Installed Physical Memory (RAM) 12.0 GB
Total Physical Memory 11.8 GB
Available Physical Memory 7.65 GB
Total Virtual Memory 13.6 GB
Available Virtual Memory 9.40 GB
Page File Space 1.81 GB
Page File C:\pagefile.sys
Hyper-V - VM Monitor Mode Extensions Yes
Hyper-V - Second Level Address Translation Extensions Yes
Hyper-V - Virtualization Enabled in Firmware Yes
Hyper-V - Data Execution Protection Yes
Well, it has pci-e x16 lane, but there isn't much about the motherboard as it is probably made for Aspire for use in prebuilt systems.

I guess it should work, hear an opinion from someone more experienced than me.
All right, with a little research a manage to find the specs of your desktop, you have a pci e slot free for use :)

Conclusion: You can put any video card you want. you have a fine pc with a good processor and with the right graphic card you will be able to play recent games like a charm 🙂

Thanks for all the help guys

What about having a external power source?
Like how would i know what external connector would fit with what graphics card
OOOhh dude, you're right ALWAYS check your PSU Power Suply Unit, to ensure that you have enough power to supply all you pc components, a graphic card can be pretty darn demanding energy wise

Edit: sorry did you meant psu ? or some sort of external power supply ? because if so you kind of lost me man.

So would a graphics card that needs a 6 pin PCI-E power connector work?

So would it?

Heres the deal, you know that black box that all the sata cables come out ? thats the psu, it administrate energy for all of you computer components ( very simply put )

It already have a prestabilish power such as 400 watts 500 watts 750 1000 etc...
I would advise you to do a little more research, to see if everything is in order, if your current psu can sustain a high end graphic card.

Not only that go on and search in the net about psu and gpu, what to do and what to know.

if your doubt is that you need a external power supply for the graphic card only, than you don t need to worry, it will be all managed by your psu, if it exist some sort of external power supply only for graphic card i never hear of it ...

alright thanks man
I'm sorry you were posting your doubts while i was writing, you're mistaking 6 pin pci with pci e card
a pci e card will enter with no problem in the pci e slot on your mother board, no pin related, just like that 2 rams you got there in the picture got it ?

Edit: BAased on the architecture of new graphic cars, they are all 16x pci e

Yea i was looking and they say that they need a 6-pin PCI-E power connector. So are you saying i don't need that? http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00J0ISHMQ/ref=twister_B00Q5W5BUQ?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1

Ok, can you elaborate this for me ? I m a little out dated in graphic cards...
Ooooooh dude, here's the deal, new graphic cards are coming with pcie cables, to be totaly hones i had know idea of it, i m stuck wih my amd hd 5500 ddr2 and it only require to fit in the slot, apparently newest graphic card have a pci e 6 pin or some times 2 to plug in the psu, i dont thing it would make any much of a diference anyway, just be sure to know if your psu can take the heat ...

being completely honest i might not be much of a help for you now on, i can try dig up some things about it but i know about this pretty much what you know

Thanks you are such a big help and I will look into it