Pfft! Just get a motherboard with integrated video. *gasp*Now, you have 30$ for a video card...
Wasn't Halo 2 the whole point? :?well lets take the halo 2 visat factor out.
I don't see it causing that much of an issue. Remember Halo 2 ran perfectly on a system with a 733 MHz processor and a GeForce 3.5. NVidia now has a chipset using the GeForce 7-series. Their 6150 chipset in my ASUS mobo runs Half-Life 2 and Doom 3 just fine at mid to low settings, 1024x768, when partnered with an AMD 3200 (939) and 1GB of value ram. (Just fine for someone spending $400 on a computer, at least.) A GeForce 7-series GPU chipset should be good enough for Halo 2.To play halo 2.
/i dont think so. Maybe if he was going with a fast processor and a ton of memory, he might squeeze a few FPS.
I absolutely agree with that statement. Even an extra $100 would get him a substantially better system, though I'd save up at least $200 more....screw the game for now and focus on saving money for a better machine...
I'll ASSuME he meant what he typed.well i will forget about the game as i already have it for xbox.