I need help with ram for gaming am I bottle necking my system with my ram?


Jan 27, 2015
here is my pc specs

Intel Core i7 4770 @ 3.40GHz
Haswell 22nm Technology
12.0GB Dual-Channel DDR3 @ 799MHz (11-11-11-28)
Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd. Z97X-Gaming 3 (SOCKET 0)
HP 27xi (1920x1080@60Hz)
4095MB NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 (EVGA)

the ram came from a friends pre-built HP and I am looking to upgrade to this but will it make any type of difference in gaming? Not just fps but texture loading and stuttering will it fix anything like that?


Thats 1600 memory (800 DDR (double data rate)) memory. The timings are pretty slow, but it will work. Yes, you normally want timings on 1600 DDR3 to be CL8 or CL9. What you have right now is CL11.

Its not going to be a drastic difference, but every little bit helps.
Thats 1600 memory (800 DDR (double data rate)) memory. The timings are pretty slow, but it will work. Yes, you normally want timings on 1600 DDR3 to be CL8 or CL9. What you have right now is CL11.

Its not going to be a drastic difference, but every little bit helps.

The timings go along with frequency. Low timings+low frequency= higher timings+higher frequency
No. You could benefit from faster ram tho. Texure loading and fps have mostly to due with video card. Speed of card, architechture, and cpu all play a part in it. Vram plays a part as well. I play RAGE with 2 780ti's and it studders in sli. I run one card and it doesnt studder. Still get 60fps tho and texture loading stinks so i modded it. It could be the games your playing. Its not the RAM...