I got a msi gtx 970 from superbiiz and the first one was highly defective and this one is faulty. I RMA'd the first time and then I got a faulty card, sent it back for a refund and they confirmed that there is a problem atm.
I am now in the market for a graphics card, the budget is $350. I am tired of these graphics cards not working and I want one that just simply works.
Also, another question: for the graphics that the system runs on, is it set onto the PCI slot or the actual graphics card?
Parts list: https://pcpartpicker.com/user/Alexk492/saved/#view=s3ftt6
What is the best card for up to $350?
I am now in the market for a graphics card, the budget is $350. I am tired of these graphics cards not working and I want one that just simply works.
Also, another question: for the graphics that the system runs on, is it set onto the PCI slot or the actual graphics card?
Parts list: https://pcpartpicker.com/user/Alexk492/saved/#view=s3ftt6
What is the best card for up to $350?