[SOLVED] I Need to transfer music files from my MAC to my PC through a external HDD. HELP.....

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Dec 18, 2013
I need to copy files from an external HDD on my MAC to another external HDD that I use on my PC.
When I connect the external PC HDD to my Mac I only get reading privilege (seen from View Info).
The OS on the Mac dose`nt even give me the opportunity on running the external HDD through the Disk Utility.
What happens is that I`am refused to copy eny thing to this external PC HDD.
The external PC HDD is formatted in NTFS for Windows.
The external MAC HDD is formatted in MAC OS extended (journal written).
How can I get writing privilege on the external PC HDD through my MAC ????????

BIG THANKS to Chicano. 🙂
I`am still working on it and haven`t got to any conclusion yet.
But an "OLD THING" appeared and that was:
The architecture of this software dose not work with this OS and FAILURE on this INSTILLATION.

As I said I`w seen these before and a FUCKING nightmare begins...........

My BIGGEST problem is that I`am running a OLD MAC. It`s the first Power Mac but it`s stile the cheepeast one.
This is the model without an Intel possessor.
I don`t know if this is the answer to my headaches but it is still the only one I have come to.


Hallow Chicano.
And thank`s again.
I gave it all up in the morning hours. I must say that it`s only that many hours you keep fighting an old Mac.......
But your last suggestions came now as gift. Let`s call them a Christmas present from you to me. 🙂
The burning bit is off. the file folder is on 236 GB and that is about 40 disks so..............

But the uploading part is BRILLIANT and the way I`am doing it.

Thank`s again Chicano and best wishes for Christmas and the new year goes to YOU.
Wow!... I had no idea of the folder size.. 236GB should take forever to download... but wait, there may be a similar option to the first one I suggested: A "Mac OS partition reader for Windows" just may do it... click on this google search link for multiple options. A more specific search may render better results with the Mac partition file System included in the search keywords. What is it, MAC Extended Partition?

Still one more option: Some article says Mac OS can read FAT partitions? So, if you have enough disk space you could create a new FAT (old FAT) partition in the MAC external hard disk, move the music files there and Windows should readily access the FAT partition. If you don't have enough free disk space you could move the files in several parts of ##GB at a time, move them to the FAT partition, next to Windows and continue with the next bunch. Or you could use a USB flash drive (USB Pendrive), or a Rewritable (DVD-RW) disk.

It should be much faster than uploading and downloading 236GBs whatever the connection speed. But, you could also leave the files (copies) in Google drive and access them from any computer at any time.

Thanks for the good holliday wishes and the same back to you.
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