Ive just completed my build running 2 MSI GTX 1080 Ti GPUs, however i cant get SLI working with them. My motherboard is an Asus Z-270E Strix, i7-7700k CPU, 16 Gigs of RAM, a 2 Tb WD hard drive and a 250 gig plextor SSD. I look in my motherboards BIOS and it registers both cards are in and working, however the only card being used is the one in the first slot. Yes, i tried swapping GPU positions and yes they both work. Im currebtly using the Asus ROG sli bridge and idk if that may be the problem, even though people say the bridge company doesnt matter. I have seen builds similar to mine and theirs have no problem, so i dont know if im just missing something with the setup (because the asus mobo manual is <mod edit>) or if theyre just not compatible. If you need extra information id be happy to provide it!