I only have 2 screws in my motherboard

kaden golda

Oct 20, 2014
I only have 2 screws in my motherboard and a gts 450( not very heavy) have had no problems and my brother has 2 screws as well with a r9 270x pcs +. I want to know if this is a problem for when i start to go with higher end cards. my mobo doesnt align with case right )thermaltake-$27 and h81m-p33 w/ 4690k. I might be getting gtx 960 or 380x in the future.
Yes as stated above usually the motherboard is held to the motherboard tray with 9 screws.. With only 2 to secure the motherboard you may face the chance of motherboard shorting on the case etc. Who ever built that machine should be shot.

Get a good few shots of the cases missing motherboard mountings if possible.

some of them have mountings that have no way to screw in so just kinda sit there. there is one of those little metal standoffs but if i put it in it doesnt let me put in any other screws. Its like this but metal, longer, and has no flexibility.http://img.directindustry.com/images_di/photo-m2/standoff-70125-4004293.jpg



[strike]Ahhh, they are plastic push mountings. push them into your case mountings, mount the motherboard on them and push down. [/strike]

Scrub that, I just read the part where you said they are metal. Can you post a proper image of those?

Well it doesnt seem that they are going anywhere, when i put in a screw it just sits there and as i said when i put the standoff in then the motherboard, all the motherboard mountings cant be used. I think they are all there just arent able to be used, i should be fine with 2 on the top correct? even with heavier card like my brothers r9 270x ( same issue, same case) and even 380x.

Hmmm, never had that happen before. Personally I would send the case back. No way would I have my motherboard dangling like that. What make and model is your motherboard BTW?



My mobo is the h81m-p33

Yeah those mounting stand off's don't look right. Should look like this: http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=5516657
Maybe the manufacturer has messed up. I'd raise the issue with the seller TBH.

its in both our cases 1 from amazon and 1 from, i think newegg.


Seen faulty batches before. Still I'd raise the issue with the sellers. I have a case that's the same price with a full ATX motherboard. All motherboard holes line up with the case stand off's and nothing is left dangling.

Don't accept poor grade goods as you've paid for them, and it may cost you dearly in the long run.

Could well be, that or bad manufacturing and the sellers have had lots of returns, Don't take the risk leaving your motherboard dangling, it's not worth it.

Would you reccomend getting new standoffs? would that be fine? Would it solve my problems? The one where the standoff WOULD go fits in.


Yes, as long as all your motherboard holes line up with the holes on the case.

thanks for all the help. 😀

You're most welcome :)