kaden golda :
RobWHS :
kaden golda :
RobWHS :
I'd like to see a picture of the offending case with the partially fitted mobo.
Ill take a picture if i can.
Get a good few shots of the cases missing motherboard mountings if possible.
some of them have mountings that have no way to screw in so just kinda sit there. there is one of those little metal standoffs but if i put it in it doesnt let me put in any other screws. Its like this but metal, longer, and has no flexibility.http://img.directindustry.com/images_di/photo-m2/standoff-70125-4004293.jpg
[strike]Ahhh, they are plastic push mountings. push them into your case mountings, mount the motherboard on them and push down. [/strike]
Scrub that, I just read the part where you said they are metal. Can you post a proper image of those?