[SOLVED] i search statistics about frequency of english letters and keyboard character


Jun 24, 2012

i would like to find an all inclusive startistic telling about the occurence frequency of all character that a keyboard can type for english comon language ,

including of cours the numbers
, ponctuation
, symbols
, del , back space ctral alst arrows.
'"() #@$%?&*(_
and everything the key borad can type: )

ps i m not talking about programming language, im talking abour commun english.

do you have idea on wich forum i could find that ?

you seem to see most of the problematic clearly. indead finished product is not enough.
i am very confident that a lot of poeple have already calculated that at the very least the people that desing keybords and ergonomics

You can do your own work if you can't find anything online, get a keylogger, find some volunteers, have them type for a while using it, collect the data. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Keystroke_logging specifically this part https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Keystroke_logging#Keystroke_logging_in_writing_process_research
This is a rather confusing question. What exactly are you trying to find out? How would anyone know how often people speaking English use delete/back space/ctrl/alt/arrows, which are not English characters? Numbers, symbols, and punctuation are also not English-specific.
well you speak english, you uses 2 interrogation mark xyz comas and pressed enter couple times .

all this will thousands of user and you have statistics.

No, we do not and I've never seen any forum, anywhere, at any place, at any time, collect this information ever.

You can find basic stats of the frequency of letters used in the English language, but I don't know why you think people are collecting information on how many times people are hitting spacebar or enter.

There's always the chance that I'm misunderstanding you; there appears to be a bit of a language barrier here.

i would like to find an all inclusive startistic telling about the occurence frequency of all character that a keyboard can type for english comon language ,

including of cours the numbers
, ponctuation
, symbols
, del , back space ctral alst arrows.
'"() #@$%?&*(_
and everything the key borad can type: )

ps i m not talking about programming language, im talking abour commun english.

do you have idea on wich forum i could find that ?

Do you mean something like this?


The most "individual" part of any key press or key press combination is its' respective ASCII, UTF, or some other similar scheme.



Password/special characters:


For special characters, I found the following link:

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/comments/2vfgvh/most_frequentlyused_special_characters_in_10/

Expand your search criteria and then drill down as necessary by modifying the search terms as you learn.
That is how I started my search.

Key is to search and then, based on the results of those searches, you modify the search criteria by using key words, applicable acronyms, or any other parameters that lead to more data sources.

However, remember to keep in mind that the resulting data can be skewed.

For example, the second link I provided in Post # 9 is, biased. The character counts are based on usage with respect to passwords - not keyboard activity in general.

You may or may not be able to extrapolate to a broader count going from specific to general.

It is up to you, as a researcher/data analyst, to find the data and objectively evaluate the results.

And do remember to look at the underlying origin of any data you do find - the publisher may (and should) cite other sources and those sources could prove useful for more raw data.
Why not load a bunch of long documents and books and do a search for those characters? If you pick out a decent enough sample of them should pretty well represent the whole of the population. Of course you won't be able to gather data on private communications but you should be able to get some idea. Just make sure you select technical documentation and things like that in the sample, don't just pick say romance novels and history books, include things like biology texts and math books. Two mathematicians talking to each other is also language and they will be using a lot of symbols.

Another thing if you are looking for usage of keys, how will you know when keys like del, backspace, etc.. are used? Or if I hit space 6 times or Tab once when looking at a document? Or used page break vs Enter a bunch of times? Automatic line breaks or enter key also, did it drop to next line due to end of the width of the page setup or did I hit enter?

All you can really have is to see a finished product. Or do an experiment yourself, get some volunteers with a keylogger to keep track of the actual keys pressed and gather data from those.
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you seem to see most of the problematic clearly. indead finished product is not enough.
i am very confident that a lot of poeple have already calculated that at the very least the people that desing keybords and ergonomics
you seem to see most of the problematic clearly. indead finished product is not enough.
i am very confident that a lot of poeple have already calculated that at the very least the people that desing keybords and ergonomics

You can do your own work if you can't find anything online, get a keylogger, find some volunteers, have them type for a while using it, collect the data. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Keystroke_logging specifically this part https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Keystroke_logging#Keystroke_logging_in_writing_process_research
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