I set my boot up to boot to three processors now computer does repair boot


Aug 12, 2013
OK so I messed up really bad I think. I went into msconfig32 and set processors to 3. When I set I thought it meant cores used to start the system because it had available 6 which is the amount of cores I have. I am fine with reinstalling windows if I have to but I really don't want to. Also it says after a few bootloops that it is doing automatic repair. Then it just sits on the windows logo infinitely. I really hope to get this fixed so i don't have a $900 paper wieght.
My processor is a AMD fx 6100 6 core 3.3 gigahertz. If you guys need any other specs just let me know.Also if you have any questions about what happened I will be sure to answer them.
Thanks for reading
When booting before the Windows 8 logo appears, hold down the Windows logo Key and tap F8.
Try this. Go into bios.
Click the Advanced Tab
Click CPU Core On/Off Function
Turn off the extra 3 cores so that it matches with the number of CPU cores you set in Windows.
Save and Exit.
See if the system boots.


I have a Asus m5a97 le r 2.0 and I am not limiting the cores I am setting the PC to use 3 processors but I only have 1. Also I mashed f8 on boot at least trying 5 times for safe mode with no luck and it doesn't do anything just goes reboots and tries to repair.
Thanks for the advice though.
When booting before the Windows 8 logo appears, hold down the Windows logo Key and tap F8.
Try this. Go into bios.
Click the Advanced Tab
Click CPU Core On/Off Function
Turn off the extra 3 cores so that it matches with the number of CPU cores you set in Windows.
Save and Exit.
See if the system boots.



Hey man i did the same thing with my fx 6300 and i changed to 4. Please help, i cant go into safe mode