I think DayZ is a SCAM !


Obviously the open world zombie/survival genre is a very in demand genre and has been for some time. That said, why does it seem that after so much time all we have are still buggy alphas that never seem to improve in any significant way ? Not one solid AAA title in this genre yet, but studios can dump millions into releasing a new tired azz played out twitch shooter every few months...

DayZ charges steam users $29.99 for a hacker ridden alpha that runs just as poorly as the day it was released a year and a half ago. There is ZERO hardware optimization, performance literally seems almost random, spawning is still broken and the game still constantly crashes. Why after a year and half has this game made ZERO progress towards being anything other than an alpha, and a bad one at that ?

The only thing I can think of to explain DayZ's sickening lack of improvement is that it was never supposed to improve. DayZ was developed to be "good enough" to convince users that it will get better and then intentionally released into a genre of users thirsty enough to pay them for it. The sad truth is that even after raking in nearly $100,000,000 DayZ is still stuck in alpha and nowhere near beta let alone full release. Compare that to an average of 20-30 Million development costs for modern AAA titles on PC/console, one really begins to wonder where all the money is going.

My guess is straight in to the pockets of the developers (if you still wan't to call them "developers" and not con artists) and they are laughing all the way to the bank with your $29.99 because they already know DayZ will never even hit beta. They should create a new development stage called "carrot on a stick" and that is exactly where DayZ belongs.

Im excited to see a thread on the topic. My 2 cents:

Going so far to call DAYZ a scam, is a stretch IMO...but you raise some great points regarding it's promises and results.

Maps with no zombies, walking through floors, characters falling dead magically...etc had not been my biggest gripes, it's the basics that Rocket's team is really f*&^ing up.

1. Zombie animations are literally atrocious. Theyre movements are so terrible I thought my frames were dipping first time I witnessed them. Melee battle is a joke when engaging them, even now its a crap shoot on "who lands the hit".

2. Inventory/Items taken WAY TOO FAR. Need to drink and eat? Awesome, this is a survival game. Need to scavenge for medicines? Totally cool. Need a can opener to use the beans you spent 2 hours hunting down? Ridiculous. Compounding this unneeded complexity is the item condition. So, youre telling me that the vast majority of military items in the apocalypse are beat to death? Found an ACOG, sweet...too bad its most likely cracked. Rocket is taking "realism" to an unrealistic level.

3. Key Config. Key for walk, key for run, key for hold item, key for using item, key to "step up", key to wave, key to I DONT CARE ANYMORE. Im glad DAYZ isnt CoD, truly. But they level of configs and character control is obsessive. Hyper realistic, too bad people cant jump in this universe. #Fail

4. Team play. Again, realism is making this game nearly impossible to "pick up and have fun with friends". Wouldnt it be cool if "teams" could be made and would co-spawn upon death? Save me the "wandering around for 2 hours to find each other is part of the charm" bull$hit.

5. Graphical Settings. Im a hardcore PC gamer, died in the wool. I LOVE graphical settings that scale and allow for a great range of players to enjoy. The menus on DAYZ plain ol' suck...how about traditional display quality settings, and then a config file for us finicky types.

The game had/has incredible potential...but they really should have given us a "Left for Dead + Skyrim/MMO".

Im more interested in Dying Light TBH.