I think I have a memory leak?

Which build of Windows are you running? The reason your RAM is being maxxed out is your non-paged pool is very high. This is usually indicative of a memory leak within either windows or a device driver.

If you go to the processes tab and sort by CPU usage, you might see some svchost processes taking up more CPU than they should (no svchost process should really take more than 1-2% cpu on your build). If you right click that process you can "Go to service" to see which service is causing it. You might get some insight as to what the issue is. I recently repaired a system where the non paged pool fgrew (like yours) to 10GB and Audio services were taking up 25% CPU time on a i5-6600k, deleting the audio driver and rebooting fixed the...
yeah something is up. windows should be using about 3.2-3.6GB of 16gb with not much running in the background not 13GB. Try running malware bytes as well as your antivirus and see if anything pops up. It is possible you have a memory leak. If nothing comes up from scans uninstall any new programs you may have installed also and see if that helps. If none of that works you may need to reinstall windows to plug it.

dead on the money if your system is booting up with low usage but climbs over time. Even reloading windows may or may not help you with that one.
You might also want to try his as i find it useful....open Task Manager and add all the memory usage columns. click at the column label and it will rank all your exe's by what is using the most memory. Over 95% of the time I handle this question, the OP is a Chrome user.
This is NOT working as intended. The "non-paged pool" is a reserved section of kernel memory for things which cannot be paged and must be kept in physical RAM at all times. It should be a few hundred megabytes. Things like device drivers should run in the non-paged pool. General software and applications should not be using it. The 10GB non-paged pool value is absolutely indicative of a problem and points more likely to a driver issue than a program problem.

If you go to the processes tab in task manager, then click on the "memory" column, it will sort the process via memory usage and might show you what's chewing up all the RAM.

Also, reboot and check your ram usage on a fresh boot. Is it okay? Monitor it carefully, particularly watching the non-paged pool. Can you identify what actions make it grow? That'll help isolate the issue.
Which build of Windows are you running? The reason your RAM is being maxxed out is your non-paged pool is very high. This is usually indicative of a memory leak within either windows or a device driver.

If you go to the processes tab and sort by CPU usage, you might see some svchost processes taking up more CPU than they should (no svchost process should really take more than 1-2% cpu on your build). If you right click that process you can "Go to service" to see which service is causing it. You might get some insight as to what the issue is. I recently repaired a system where the non paged pool fgrew (like yours) to 10GB and Audio services were taking up 25% CPU time on a i5-6600k, deleting the audio driver and rebooting fixed the issue.

If you don't directly see a system process that could be the issue, the process is a little more involved. You will need a tool called poolmon that you can get from Windows Driver Kit. Default location after installing the kit is <install directory>\10\Tools\x64\poolmon.exe the default install directory is C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits Running that will let you see which driver is using the RAM. See this superuser question for more info.

Well it's fine now. You're back to 17% memory usage, which is bang on.

You need to monitor it as I suggested above and see if you can identify what actions cause that non-paged pool to grow.