I think I have a problem with my PSU

Aug 14, 2018
I just got back from a summer away from home. During the 2 months I was gone my PC wasn't run at all. I fully cleaned it out before running it when I got back because there was dust everywhere but when I booted it up my monitor said there is no signal coming from a computer. I have had this problem before and I took it in to get checked out and it ended up being a problem with my PU acting up because it barely has enough wattage to power all the components in my PC so when it does act up my PC won't run correctly. I believe this is what's happening this time as well and I was wondering if it would hurt my PC to just run it overnight and hope that gets the PU working correctly? I believe that's what I was told to do last time but I don't remember. I am going to get a new PU no matter what happens but I would like to make sure it's the PU that's the problem and not something else so I can order everything at once. Another reason I believe that it is the PU is the USB ports aren't working either so it looks like they aren't getting power as well.
Also sorry if I'm in the wrong category, I didn't see a category for Power Units/Supplies.

PSU: 500W
GPU: Nvidia GTX 960
CPU: Intel I7 6700k
Ram: 16 G
Get yourself a quality power supply. When someone posts their computer specs and it includes a modern i7 and 16gb of ram, but a generic '500W' with no make or model of the power supply, I know it's a cheap one. There's no point to trying to troubleshoot it, just get a good replacement.
Get yourself a quality power supply. When someone posts their computer specs and it includes a modern i7 and 16gb of ram, but a generic '500W' with no make or model of the power supply, I know it's a cheap one. There's no point to trying to troubleshoot it, just get a good replacement.

I will. Do you have any model recommendations for a 750W+ PSU? Or would any name brand like Corsair, EVGA, etc. work?