I think i have a RAT virus, will a factory reset fully remove it?

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Apr 12, 2015
the title says it all, is there anychance a factory reset will NOT remove the virus? I am on windows 8.1 and my pc had no disk drive if anyone was gonna sugegst something with a disk. If you have any further questions please ask!
What makes you think you have something like the rat malware or any of its variants? The rat malware had its command and control servers ceased quite some time ago. But its source code is open to the public so if you are infected you are most likely infected from one of the variants.

Also download wireshark and search for these magic words

“7hero, Adobe, B1X6Z, BEiLa, BeiJi, ByShe, FKJP3, FLYNN, FWAPR, FWKJG,GWRAT, Gh0st, GOLDt, HEART, HTTPS, HXWAN, Heart, IM007, ITore, KOBBX, KrisR, LUCKK, LURK0, LYRAT, Level, Lover, Lyyyy, MYFYB, MoZhe, MyRat, OXXMM, PCRat, QWPOT, Spidern, Tyjhu, URATU, W0LFKO, Wangz, Winds, World, X6RAT, XDAPR, Xjjhj, ag0ft, attac, cb1st, https, whmhl, xhjyk, 00000, ABCDE, apach, Assas, Blues, chevr, CHINA, cyl22, DrAgOn EXXMM,Eyes1, Gi0st, GM110, Hello, httpx, kaGni, light, LkxCq, lvxYT, Naver, NIGHT, NoNul, Origi, QQ_124971919, Snown, SocKt, Super, Sw@rd, v2010, VGTLS, wcker, Wh0vt, wings, X6M9K, xqwf7, YANGZ”

These are all the magic words the rat variants use for their network communications.
You could but the rat also can infect recovery parts of the drive setup by the factory. I would type in your windows product key on microsofts site and download the iso. Then once you are done burning the iso turn off youf computer for a full. 5-10Mins before you try to install windows again to be sure everything in memory is gone.
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