I think I have a serious problem PLEASE HELP ME!

Evil Joker

Apr 13, 2014
Hi guys!
I want to build a PC, I already own a PS4 so new games won't be a problem, the main use is gaming, downloading movies and series and general works. The main games are strategy games and some RPG, like Rome Total War, shogun 2 civilizations and games like that. But for example if pvz garden warfare does not come to the PS4 I want my pc to run it, same with titanfall and Maybe just Maybe cod or bf4, I know it is a extreme gap between this games.

Earlier this morning I was building my pc, since I do not buy a new pc very often I wanted future proofing and a good PC, this my friends is where real problems began (grab some potatoe chips and a soda if you want to continue reading)

My brother build a pc: fx 8359, 990 ud5, 8gb ram and a r9 270.
So I wanted to play with him like we used to do it in 2003 (starcraft, age of mythology stuff like that) my pc is from that era :')

So my pc is 11 years old and I decided it is time to build a new one, my first build was a good pc an amd fx 6300 with ga 990 ud3, 2x4 ram, normal 600 watts psu And r9 270 I decided this build after seeimg some price/performances charts, but then suddenly every component changed, first the cpu from fx 6300 to i5 4670k (I was like after all I won't buy anything for a while) then the mobo, a cheap asus z87 c, then I went from the r9 270 to the gtx 770, the from 2x4 normal ram to a 1600 MHz, from DVD RW to BD RW. From case k280 to phantom 410 from $700 to $1200.

And still the dudes pop out while I was reading opinions (games in the future might use 6 cores so go with the 8350, wait no you can oc go with the 8320) (amd will stop making cpu, go with the i5 4670k, or even better i7 4770) review after review I was getting so confused (r9 280x or gtx 770)
(Overclock changes everything) then I realized that I was so future proofing that I wanted an i5 4670k, with a Maximus VI hero, because I always had the option to use xfire or sli, but the psu had to be 850w so my final budget was around $1200 the worst part is that for a hundreds more I could go with the r9 290 and a better mobo I was thinkin about getting some money from my bother and I will pay him next month.

Technology is a b**** you can get a slightly better component for a couple hundred dollars, so my main question, What PC should I buy? Does even future proofing exists or I was imagining so many things? I reaaaaaally need help I went from good $600 to $1200 so in your experience what is the PC For me?

TL;DR OP is debating an 8320/50 or an i5 and 280x or a 770.

Anyways, future proof doesn't really exist because you never know what kinds of games will be out in a few years. Well currently for the most part, intel has the best performance gaming wise even though it has four cores. AMD's eight cores are around the same power as intel's four cores. In a few years you will probably need to upgrade anyways, so it really doesn't matter if you get an 8320 or an i5 or an 8350. An 8320 can be overclocked to around the same level as an 8350.

Regarding the 280x vs gtx 770, either card is good. The 770 is a bit better gaming wise. If you plan to add a second video card later on get a GTX 770 so you can sli them. Sli is generally smoother than cross fire.

So in general either of the choices you posted are great, just make sure you get a decent psu and case so they can support future upgrades.


My main problem are not the components, my main problem is that because of those future upgrades my budget went from $600 to $1200. For example I went from a $130 Mobo to a $300 that will support Sli, from a 600 watt unit to a 850W but I am afraid I won't even be using thos components, so the help I need is a pc build and that you guys can tell me if a mobo that will support sli is worth it, or maybe the socket will change, I don't know something like that.


You can get a motherboard that supports sli for as low as $125, the AsRock extreme 4. If you're looking to sli with a 770 you would need a 850W PSU.