I think I killed my GPU


Jan 14, 2018
So im running a gtx 570 (was slightly overclocked, thought that would be an interesting thing to say) and an i7-2600 on a H61M-P20 G3 Mobo and for some reason while playing GTA V my pc randomly shut down, thought it was a power contact issue, but it turned right back on after. Got me a bit suspicious but i didnt take anything into consideration and booted GTA V back up, mid way while loading my PC shuts off again, and turns back on, then again. At one point while it was starting up my screen wouldnt work, tried removing the ram and booting up but it still wouldnt work, but thats when i thought it was a GPU problem. So i unplugged one of my VGA cables and put it into my Mobo VGA Slot (so Intel HD Graphics 2000) and it booted me up into the BIOS, and I got it running.

From this information does it mean that my GPU has died? I would also like to note the Fan for the GPU is still running. I will put my System Specs for a bit more information.

GPU : N570 GTX from MSI running at around 970 MHz with the Overclock
CPU : i7-2600 @ 3.4 GHz
Mobo : MSI H61M-P20 (G3) updated to the last BIOS update made for it
Memory : 8192MB Kingston DDR3 1333MHz Ram (2x4 GB)

UPDATE : Verified it wasn’t a messed up PCI-E slot problem, put an old Radeon card and it ran perfectly fine with the PC, so I’m just gonna get a new GPU and then upgrade to a ryzen or a 6-8th gen Intel processor

Take the GPU back to stock settings, use DDU to wipe the old driver and reinstall the latest driver from AMD. What you describe sounds like driver corruption or a bad overclock.
can be two issues. one the gpu card over heated and failed. if it did that check to see if your card has live time rma warranty a lot of the older gpu did. the second issue can be bad power. if you have a low wattage or cheap power supply you could have caused the 12v rail to fail on the unit.
Do you have a backup discrete vid card you could test, or another desktop you could plug in your gtx 570? that would be the fastest test I imagine.

On a side note, this might be fate😀 your computer is really old might be time to upgrade! A good excuse as any other to build a new rig. (although vid card prices right now have been horrid. Yesterday there were a few gtx 1070 on sale for around 500ish USD at microcenter. checked today and they were out of stock again. i really really hope this crypto currency mining thing goes away.)
I have a shitty AMD card that I used to check if the PCI-E slot was damaged and it seemed to be fine, but im not using it as the HD Graphics run better :/ and I'm in france with quite a shitty budget atm :'/


Loadingcheese, try Martell1977's solution. to download DDU goto DDU SITE

Make sure you read the recommended usage section as well as the tutorial. You need to disconnect your PC from the internet for windows 10.

Good luck and let us know if martell1977 solution worked for you. and if it does do remember to give Martell1977 credit :)