I think I'm an ATIer for life now.


Feb 19, 2009
After seeing the $379.99 for the 5870, I think I'll stick with ATI from here on out. I was pretty impressed with the eyefinity reviews on the 10th (been looking for a way to game on my extra monitors), and the performance of the 5870 now that we see it is right where most of us expected it to be.

The last Nvidia card I bought was a Geforce 4 Ti4600 for $400. It burnt out 2 months later, so I bought a Radeon 9700 Pro for the same price. One thing we know for sure is that no matter what we buy now, 8 years from now it will be little over a paperweight. That being said, I cannot believe how cheap this card is compared to how much Nvidia charges for their single GPU cards when they are on top.

My next build was going to have whatever card was the fastest, but now I don't care what NV brings out, I'm getting 2 5870x2 when they hit the egg.

Thank you AMD/ATI!

Never say never 😉 If we leave out cards for a sec and just look at the companies, I respect AMD more than Nvidia, but that also can change. For example if JHH would finally step down, their internal culture and practices may change, same can be said about AMD.
That is ok, to everyone his own. But don't be surprised if nvidia comes out with good cards to compete with ATi's.

I am not a fan boi of either company as I buy what is affordable and performs well, mostly ATi, but it is never a good idea to lock yourself to only one company. You sometimes loose out on some cool stuff.

yeah, I've never liked to be a fan of one or the other because the technology always changes. I just can't fathom how much extra Nvidia marks up their cards when they can. It's crazy the different pricing models, unless ATI is selling their flagship cards at a huge loss, then NV is just raping people. (maybe it has to do with their yields)

I'm sure Nvidia will come out with some great cards performance wise, but I'm not going to support a company that has no care for us, the consumer. They must think we are idiots.

It's gonna be hot in that case at least.

Two 5870x2's on 6 screens would be the ultimate in gaming I guess. Just make sure you have an FX mobo, or intel's equivalent with 16x 16x pci-e lanes.

Read the post before you make senseless comments. It's not so much about products, as that is always going to change and Nvidia usually finds a way on top anyway. It's about the fact that ATI respects the customer enough to not TOTALLY rape them. I'd rather support a company with that mind set than Nvidia.

I've got the M3A79-T Deluxe Mobo (an FX Mobo) I will need a CPU upgrade though, only running a PII 940@3.2 now.
ATI released cards first, but unlike nVid they made their cards cheap. If nVidia releases their GT300 series at anything over $500, the only people that will buy them are the people who bought i7 975's.

@OP, might wanna buy some liquid nitrogen, eh?

If ATI could charge more for their cards and still sell they would. It has nothing about respecting the customer. It is all about numbers. Ati realizes that it usually not the top performer and thus can not charge premier prices for their cards. I is all marketing not the customer.Ati never has to deal with the customer it is the card manufactures such as Xfx that deals with customers and quality control issues.
When Nvidia released a year ago, they're "cheap" new card was $450, and their top new card was $650.

$260 and $380 are cheap, especially considering that the performance difference vs. last gen. is virtually identical.
In the last 2 generations Nvidia GPUs is more transistors and big die. I like to see the power consumption of the GT300. In the absence of technical informations it looks like bigger power supply required.

No loyalty on company.....Buy proven good products. Almost all companies had its share of mediocre products.

I dont recall any 9600gt nightmare. Refusing to buy from a company because of one bad card isn't all that smart, sooner or later you'll be buying from neither of them.
Since when is ATI not usually a top performer? That's kinda .. ignorant .. to say the least. This is a back and fourth game to be sure and both sides tend to swap punches and try to best eachother .. however in recent days the red team has been dominant over the green goblins. Now, with the 5800 cards, ATI has Nvidia beat not only in performance but also in power consumption, heat, and so on. Nvidia might come out with a card more powerful than the new 5870 but you can bet your arse it will be more power hungry than the 295/4870x2 by a wide margin. And it will get hot. And it will most importantly be MUCH more expensive than the 5850 and 70 as well. The only people who are going to buy the Furbys are going to be Nvidia fanboys and people who just have too much money and not enough knowledge as far as PC building is concerned. You know .. the kids who say they MUST get 125FPS in Crysis or their system sucks. Those guys .. yeah. You know who you are! hah ..

I don't think this is fanboyism at all. it's just logic. These cards are affordable for the enthusiast and they are just better all around than anything else on the market. Today and in the coming months, as well. Any TRUE enthusiast without brand bias will be buying up the new 5000 cards constantly all the way thru Christmas. Bank on it. And it's the logical choice.

Oh, and before you call ME a fanboy, tell that to my other systems - one running an old 8600GTS by MSI and the other running a Zotac 8800GT AMP! card. Or my other system that I built for my uncle which has a GTX 260 inside. Or my laptop with an Intel ATOM CPU and Intel GPU. Haha .. I just buy what works and what gives me best bang for my buck! ^_^

Well my 9600 gt did not have fan control , the card was running 56c at idle, and it makes a huge noise when i start up my computer and continues for 4 min till it stops by itself.... Everytime I played a game my computer would crash and a wild black screen would appear with repeating sound , which led me to believe that the card was overheating at 67c.

What I mean is, both Nvidia and ATI make cards that can have stuff go wrong.

I've had two nvidias and two ati's that have broken. If I decided not to buy from a company based on failures, I'd not be using any graphics card.

There are plenty of good reasons to avoid Nvidia's, but one bad card isn't a good reason.

I am still angry at them, and anger leads me not to buy any of their cards.

the fact that my nesw ati card is much more reliable and better performance for the price , makes me not want to buy any other nvidia card. :)

Off topic for a sec but Jennyh i dont see why people think your so biased, i've seen you recommend Intel, AMD, Nvidia, and ATI.
Never say never 😉 If we leave out cards for a sec and just look at the companies, I respect AMD more than Nvidia, but that also can change. For example if JHH would finally step down, their internal culture and practices may change, same can be said about AMD.

Sometimes you just have to look past the pettiness of it all. Every company does some good things and I'd rather see an individual get what I believe is the best for them instead of letting some fanboy nonsense lead them to a bad purchase.

Same here, Nvidia do a lot of bad stuff but its not their fault when single cards break. I'm biased in that when the choices are close, I will generally always recommend AMD over intel and ATI over Nvidia.

They have not been dominate since the 9700/9800 pro and that is why they are focusing on the price factor. The last time before that was back before 3dfx came out and was the Rage2. All other times either 3dfx or nvidia which bought out 3dfx had the performance crown. And any person really concerning themselves about performance will hold off to see what nvidia has to offer and pick the fastest whether it is ati or nvidia. Nvidia may not beat ati5k series in performance, but have to see numbers of both before I buy new cards.