I think my CPU temperature is too high... (I5 3570K)


Dec 1, 2014
So i'm using all stock speeds both on my GPU (GTX 970 Herculez x2) and my CPU. When i play battlefield 4 for some time i see from Afterburner that the temperature of all the cores rise to about 71 celcius. Is this normal? Maybe i installed the cpu cooler with preapplied thermal paste wrong?
OK - sorry - long day. and Inno 3d gtx970 OK

CPU core temp at gaming is usually 10C above the CPU temp. So for a core temp of 71C your CPU temp will be about 60C. If you've got a stock cooler then a CPU temp of 60C is OK. If you want it lower, get a custom cooler eg Coolermaster Hyper 212 evo - if it'll fit in your case.
If your using the cpu cooler that came with your CPU then that's normal. But that doesn't mean the temps are perfectly fine, which should tell you how cheap those coolers are made.

Ultra cheap way, try undervolting the cpu to get a lower temp.
Recommended way, buy a new CPU cooler that will do it's job well.

You said "GPU (GTX 970 Herculez x2) and my CPU"

What make and model gtx970?

What make and model CPU?
OK - sorry - long day. and Inno 3d gtx970 OK

CPU core temp at gaming is usually 10C above the CPU temp. So for a core temp of 71C your CPU temp will be about 60C. If you've got a stock cooler then a CPU temp of 60C is OK. If you want it lower, get a custom cooler eg Coolermaster Hyper 212 evo - if it'll fit in your case.
okay, thanks! so there wont be any harm made to the processor if i keep the stock cooler and upgrade to the one you suggested later, like after a year when i want to oc?
I look from this software that does nothing else that tell cpu cores temperatures and it says that my max temp. is 68C while playing, when i look from MSI Afterburner it tells me i get 74C, weird :S