I think my CPU voltage is messing with games since MOBO upgrade.


Feb 17, 2010
Hello, I recently upgraded my PSU mobo and ram. I tested my ram thoroughly, and I came up with no issues. Same goes for my Graphics card (660) and everything else I can think of. Ever since I upgraded, games that ran smooth as butter run smoother, for a few seconds. They then drop down drastically from say 60 or 100+ to around 15 fps for 2 seconds, and then jump back up.

I did some research and the only thing I can really think of is my CPU voltage, or the thermal paste not properly applied. (even though it doesn't get very hot under extreme loads)

My CPU is AMD Phenom II X4 960T, I have not overclocked it.

My mobo is Gigabyte 970A-d3p.

I see on my advanced voltages under cpu that its set to 1.3v on Vcore, and I forget the rest. Although its set to auto, I see a 1.3v before it.

I'd like to get some input on this before I start messing around with the voltages.


Yeah, you should replace the paste whenever you remove the HSF. Use rubbing alcohol to remove the old and apply new, Arctic Silver 5 works...

I made that partition, installed a fresh copy of windows on it, installed all the drivers and still it has the fps drops.

Could it be dust somehow? The voltages are still the only thing I can think of.

Unless by motherboard driver you mean theres another driver I need to install thats not on my mobo's disk. It only seems to have drivers for things like the audio codecs, the ethernet port and usb ports. Other than that, I don't think that's the issue.

I think I found out what's going on. I was told by several friends that 78-80C is an "....okay.." load temp for a cpu so I thought nothing of it when a cpu stress test came back with no errors.

However, when the lag DOES appear, I notice its only when the cpu reaches 77-80C. (It never goes past 80)

Now, I assume that the flow of air for my fan isn't as good in this setup as before, that and I think my thermal paste is wearing off and removing the heatsync the last time must have removed and protection there was remaining.

Sound plausible? I'm going to buy thermal paste tomorrow and test.

Yeah, you should replace the paste whenever you remove the HSF. Use rubbing alcohol to remove the old and apply new, Arctic Silver 5 works very well:

When I was mentioning the drivers, I was referring to ones you can get from the manufacturers website which usually have updated versions from those on the disc. There are usually new BIOS, chipset drivers, among other things.

Forgot that the stores were all closed on Sunday. So while I wait I've been looking up fans. My heatsink is connected with that bar that goes through the heatsink hooks onto those two connectors, and pressing the lever down to lock it in place.

I can't seem to find any online that match that setup. I'm not sure if my motherboard even supports those fans. They seem to be all 4 pin sockets or what not. Do any of you guys know if those will work on that motherboard?
Nevermind I figured it out, I can just unscrew the brackets for the version I have and install the ones for the newer ones.

Anyway I fixed it, got some thermal paste on craigslist, cleaned the dust out of the fan, and now it's idling at 25. Never goes past 50 on games now. Thanks guy's.