I think my GPU is bending guys and I don't know what to do, i've only had this PC since August and it's worth £1209 so obviously I don't want anything happening to it but I do have warranty on it. I've been looking into my case more often recently and have been noticing my GPU has a sort of bend to it (Or im just hallucinating) and I don't know if I should be concerned or not. I have provided pictures to hear you guys' opinion but you can't see too clearly on the pictures but better than nothing. (I've got a MSi GTX 970 Twin Frozr V for anyone wondering) https://gyazo.com/6656652c7b55de89c5b58cd33c319910 https://gyazo.com/e49219c95755313596c69084f6346064 https://gyazo.com/ac30214d19fba5316351fab5da6f6a5c https://gyazo.com/9547ae7becd15020966668d54d616067