I think my GTX 970 SC is underperforming?


Jul 18, 2015
I did a cinebench test and here are my [results](http://prnt.sc/dru14n) . Apparently I am supposed to be getting over 150fps on this test? Anyone know what could be the problem or should I just send it back?
I would run a program like CPUID's Hardware Monitor to check the temps of both your GPU and CPU to see if either are getting too hot and thermal throttling. If your GPU is getting to hot, download and run MSI Afterburner and set a custom fan curve to keep it cooler. If your CPU is throttling, you might want to get a new CPU cooler, such as the Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO or the Cryorig H7.
I would run a program like CPUID's Hardware Monitor to check the temps of both your GPU and CPU to see if either are getting too hot and thermal throttling. If your GPU is getting to hot, download and run MSI Afterburner and set a custom fan curve to keep it cooler. If your CPU is throttling, you might want to get a new CPU cooler, such as the Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO or the Cryorig H7.
Its a bit low. Average is like 110-120 FPS. If you are still uncomfortable then check that if your GPU is Throttling. Also make sure that your are using the latest drivers. is your CPU is throttling get a cooler like Hyper 212 Evo. Use HWMonitor or AIDA 64 for monitoring. You can use any GPU tweaking software to set a custom fan curve if your card is running hot.
Who says you're supposed to be getting a 150fps? As far as I know cinebench is a very cpu heavy test and you are using an i5. Are you sure the test you saw where someone got 150fps with a 970 was not using an i7 or something more powerful than your i5?

If the 970 is functioning i'm very doubtful it has some kind of some kind of defect that would cause you to get lower performance. A replacement 970 would likely perfom exactly the same, if there is an issue its likely software or drivers not the gpu itself.